January - and some sex facts


Dear Readers,

Welcome to January.

Hope you all had a good and pleasant Christmas and New Year holiday.

Did you know.

Minks have intercourse that lasts an average of eight hours. So who wants to be reincarnated as a mink?

Some Lions mate over 50 times daily. Or perhaps coming back as a Lion?

Chimpanzees hold the record for the quickest mammal sexual intercourse averaging 3 seconds. Yea, well, not one of them methinks.

When a male deer rubs his antlers on a tree, it is a form of masturbation. Lucky tree? Wonder what that says when you humans scratch your head Tongue out - and you say quiet I'm thinking - yea, right.

see you.




Very nice pic. I prefer the copy to the original ;)
When copying a real girl's pose, we can see the limitation of our dolls, especially with the arms (of my RD), and often the boobies are the obstacle to the move, lol.

I would never want to be reincarnated as a mink, because these poor pets have a terrible karma in our merciless societies :(
I'm glad for them that their sexuality is so exciting ;)

Jihan & Elle

I don't know about scratching it, but whenever I have my hair washed at the barber's (especially if the hairdresser is real cute) it feels real guuuuuuuuud!

Wow very nice :) I agree with Elle, I like your photo much more 8)


CoverDoll Publisher To err is human to forgive divine.

G'day everyone,...


The concensus has it,..

Our doll pictured here looks better than the picture she is copying!

I'd take her over the picture anyday!






Playing with Dolls is a Joy!

WARNING: The Dolls are starting to play Back!

Looking at the two, the thing that strikes me is Nony's lack of tanlines. Nony sunbathes in the nude!  Gotta love that about the Aussie Sheila's.


I thought the male deers did that to mark their territory, and to remove the felt/skin. Who knew they were just wankers?

Sometimes I feel like an animal, but never thought I'd envy some :)

Looking good Nony.  And I agree with the others.  Your photo is the better of the two.

Kisses, Zara