A Day in the Life of a Doll - Sneak Peak


Hi Guys and Dolls,

Tash here and Nony here.

We have had a bit of a natter and decided. I (tash) will try to continue on with my monthly Calendar poses (not necessarily exactly the same as the wall calendar as previously advised). And I (nony) will try to depict, progressively each month, a day in the life of a doll at home.

Here is a sneak peak. 5.00 - 6.00am.

We are awake at 5.00am. Muz gets up, puts the kettle on, and starts the computer. Time for me to have a lie in and a cuddle with Tina. Yummy. Shoosh up Tash, you get your fair share too.

We will not be doing the 'Calendar' and "Day in the Life" thingies on the same blog entry. But you will often see us together.

hugs and kisses

Tash and Nony


Hi Tash & Nony,

Really nice to see you back, and what a great idea, the daily life of a doll :) .


CoverDoll Publisher

To err is human to forgive divine.

Dear Readers,

We have had some feedback that my original selected colour of red is too difficult to read against the background. So I changed it to Blue. Though I personally prefer Red.

Now Nony is Green, that seems to be OK.

Which colour would you, our dear readers prefer me to be? Yellow, Red, Blue, Orange, or something else? Lilac has been suggested.

Would love your thoughts. Maybe I should just be normal and only nony be in colour - though that does not seem fair. Yellow seems to stand out OK. What do you think.

hugs and kisses




Hi Tash, well yellow works best for me :) both yellow and green stand out well. Light blue would work as well I think. ;) like this smily


CoverDoll Publisher

To err is human to forgive divine.

G'day everyone,....


That picture of Nony makes me just want to do the same with Kaori,.....

Gee she is a bad influance,...Innocent




Playing with Dolls is a Joy!

WARNING: The Dolls are starting to play Back!

Thank you so much for the Headache when reading your colorized text, lol !

As there are personalized themes at CoverDoll now, the good colors will depend of the theme we use ;)

In my case Black, Red, Lilac are OK but Green, pink produce the headache :)

I think all the themes are compatible with Black on White, other choices are a lotery because the themes :)

Not important because we can see Nony kissing TinaB ;)

Jihan & Elle

:) Oh my little beauty ;) , remember the themes are just in beta test only in the staff account section. But as soon as we are satisfied that they work, we will give the option to members.


CoverDoll Publisher

To err is human to forgive divine.

Thanks for the update.  The calendar is always good and A Day in the Life sounds like a great fun idea.  Damn - when can I retire?

Mechwizard Consort to the Queen of Curves

VERY nice. YOu should be writing for a magazine...looks great :)  Hey what am I saying...this is an eZine :)



I'm a real doll...and I know it!