August is here, and that means lots of sun and hot weather here. So this month i'm featuring Mariko, an AK162 gal I have had for several months.
She's all silicone and light tan, with hardened feet and hands for added durability, as she stands 100% of the time. In this set, it was a very bright day, and some images were captured using HDR photography - basically, I used a tripod and captured 3 images of each pose, and then combined them in tonemapping software such as camera raw/photoshop, and that enabled me to get a higher detailed image for some of these pics. What really helps is when shooting outdoors, the tonemapped image has more of the image highlights and shadows compressed into actual usable colors, so you can adjust brightness later.
The downside is you have to take between 3-5 images, and that often is difficult on a windy day, so everything must remain still. Anyway, enjoy the pics of Mariko!
Click on image for full size & gallery