Members Blog

A place for members to put info on them and their dolls

Early Christmas


Christmas at our place is a bit fragmented as I'm finding out.  Although this will be my first Christmas here.  I've got one of my presents already and thought I would try it on.  It's a bit lighter in colour than my usual look, flirty and glamourous, but it's still me!  I've added a couple of photos to my gallery scrapbook.  I think its a very Euro look.




Hello Again from a Hot and Steamy Bundy.

After a quiet few days alone with Tina Muz came home from his Son's wedding in Brissy. He said it was wonderful and was very happy.

Apparently I was one of the main topics of conversation at the Bucks night - I cannot think why?

He said he became quite emotional when giving his speech at the reception and had to fight back tears of joy - Gosh he can be such a suk sometimes.

Anyway, Real People have a saying "Absence makes the Heart grow Fonder". Well I can tell you, my fellow Dolls,  this is absolutely true. We had hardly said hello before it was off to the bedroom. Yummy. It is nice to be wanted 'THAT' much.

Hugs and Kisses.

