Members Blog

A place for members to put info on them and their dolls

Hello Again From Bundy.

The December issue of CoverDoll is out. Isn't it great.

Well, I've finished my Makeover - nothing original left - but it's still me. A bitch waiting for everything to dry, but a gals gotta do, etc. I tried going blonde but I think muz prefers my Brunette, what do you think.

Muz has become somewhat partial to my 'White Pointers' so I left them and just redid the areolae.

RealDoll hip repair

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These type of issues are more prevalent on dolls from 2006 and earlier and are usually seen in heavier dolls or those that do a lot of camera work.  The hip doesn't actually break, the sleeve that holds the steel shaft separates from the socket when the epoxy lets go of its hold.  Later model hips use a different polymer sleeve that bonds better.

Blogging in Bundaberg

Hi Guys and Dolls,

Here I am on my second Blog with CoverDoll.

You might wonder why I am so scantily clad. Well it's hot. Summer is on the way. Actually here in the sub tropics we don't have the typical four seasons. Muz - that's my charge if you hadn't already guessed! says there are only two seasons.

The Tholuts Season. (Too hot to lie under the sheets Season), and

The Nhelots Season. (Not hot enough to lie on top of the sheets Season).
