Looking out from the inside


"Looking Out From The Inside"

"As Reported by Snuggles"

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you; Finally they fight you, and then you’ve won. (Badly remembered quote of Mahatma Ghandi)

The life-sized silicone doll market is in its infancy. If for no other reason than that it is very interesting to watch its unfolding. It isn’t bound to the vested interests of profit mongers, yet. It is still a dream, struggling to become reality. It is born from artists and engineers, who have a vision and turn it into works of beauty. It’s driven by a community of potential buyers and serious collectors who understand that it is more important to love than to be loved. There is a chance to make something truly fantastic a reality and I’m happy to know some of the people who are doing the hard work.

But enough with all this wishy-washy hope stuff! With the good, so comes the bad… So let’s talk about the stuff that could go wrong all over again anyway. Kidding. However, I do want to discuss the challenges I see facing the new generation of business in these difficult times and those ahead. (Though, let’s assume the economy remains stabile just to keep perspective. As it is, right now, as you’re reading this. No matter when that is… lol, no high hopes, neither gloom and doom. I wonder how it may still fit...) Let’s get down to the grit of this situation.

This "niche market" is stigmatized by social backlash and new customers must come to grips with if or how they will deal with people’s shock and the fevered imaginings of their friends and other visitors when they finally see the newest “member of the household.” The number of potential buyers is even further stigmatized by the current expense of materials and manufacture. This is multiplied and reiterated with the social aspect as people tend to shout “Are you fucking crazy?!?” when they hear how much “cash moneyz” you dished out for a poseable, fuckable statue. Never mind how much you love it, you are obviously psychotic. This is a strange little "hiccup" of a hurdle, if you ask me. (See my badly remembered quote above for further reference. And, no. I don’t think Gandhi would have necessarily endorsed the idea of doll-fucking…) However, this perceived social stigma is a reality facing the increase of potential doll customers, and will remain so for a considerable time. Bullies will always be amongst us, and there will always be some who continue being bullied by them.

Customer service is not just a face-man/spin-doctor team, anymore. People are seeing through the bullshit to the heart of a company’s mission statement. They are tired of giving their money to people who view their customers as sheep in need of a good fleecing. They want to know they’ve been heard, and that they aren’t simply shouting into a great void and placed in the next queue. The smart manufacturers understand the importance of hearing people’s complaints and especially of other people hearing other people’s complaints. One unhappy customer can quickly lose potential sales should an inappropriate response become public knowledge. Gone are the days of private Email correspondance. There is power in peer review and with our friends around us. Bullshit becomes evident the more evidence gathers. There will always be the chance for fly by nights, but there also remains the chance that a new way of thinking will surface. When it does, there will be others around to witness that, too.

New companies don’t build obsolescence into their products. They want them to be nigh invulnerable, should they be able. They don’t want their products to need replacement in a couple years. That is, if they’re smart. No, you want everyone to want at least one and that will translate to some folks wanting many. Perfect your design and perfect its manufacture, and perfect its shipping and customer relations; Then, when your done... Continue improving your product, manufacture, and customer relations. Make your dream as vivid as possible and there will be collectors who couldn’t give a damn what the bullies next door think of their financial decisions.

With all these challenges and our hopes that this industry fairs well in the times ahead, I think it comes down to the mindsets of the people involved. Stop using the old “supply/demand” formula for success and forget the “must maximize profits” way of thinking. Strive for the mentality of offering your creations at an incredible value, where you feel reimbursed fairly for your efforts by those who admire your talents. Try being magnanimous on occasion, to show this young community that you aren’t simply trying to empty their wallets. Show them that you believe you’re giving something valuable with the sale of your creations. Better yet, think of the shyest and sweetest among us who simply want something to cherish; To give our affections to anything that is not ourselves, without fear of rejection or reprisal. Feel pride that you are helping the loneliest among us to develop the love that struggles so desperately to grow, to surface, and to be shared. Just don’t go broke, as we want you well-fed, healthy and happy; And to continue enriching our lives with your beautiful creations.

Blessed are the loneliest amongst us, for they most deeply understand the depths of our need for feeling love move through us. It is more than a mere desire, it is a ravenous hunger that only wishes to nourish those it is shared with


First of All Snuggles - That is an Anazing Photo, WOW.

We are a long way from the dreams of sci fi fantasists who imagined 'partners' in such films as 'Westworld' and 'Blade Runner'. But a lot closer than we once were.

You are right, we keep our man from the depths of lonliness in his latter years, and we can only hope the progression continues, but who knows, the world is changing big time and the future is uncertain, even in the world of dollies, so enjoy what you can, while you can.

tash & nony

Great article Snugs, keep em coming ;)


CoverDoll Publisher

To err is human to forgive divine.