For the month of April, I am featuring Katniss, a TaYu 148cm gal with the Katniss oral face. She is relatively new (the head) and features ROS, and super soft silicone with inplanted eyebrows and eyelashes.
In this indoor set, I found her to be really great at posing as she is very light and that made it much easier on my back. For lighting, I used a Godox 300W flash lamp set to a lower power, but aimed at the ceiling to provide better overall lighting. A window provided the necessary ambient lighting, but makes for a nice softer photo. The set was filmed usign a Sony a7Riv, and a 35mm lens at around f5.6 to get better focus.
I know have 4 heads for my TaYu - Katniss, Peach, NaiMei and QinZhi, all are very nice and the later heads are oral ROS heads which are state of the art and very high quality.
Enjoy the pics!
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