Ray Rentell


CoverDoll cat1vb1

book cover

Well hello everyone, thought I would create a blog and add a few photos that where left in my staff album that I can no longer access.

They will follow as I try to get my head round how to blog here.

Hope this works.


It also seems that I can no longer access my album either so I not to sure how to put up images here so bear with me this is an experiment.


Well I cannot get the links to work from the blog album either so I give up, looks like there will be no more photos from me that you can view on this site.

Bye for now.




Rentell, CD team, i am totally confused !

I've read the announcement (at TDF) that Rentell leaves the CD team, what a pity... , and now i read this post showing that Rentell wants to post here but can't.... ?

Please, solve the problem so that Rentell can use his staff gallery and open his blog...

I'm fed up with the fact that this community is so unstable... we like peoples then... they disappear for many reasons...

Jihan & Elle

Hi Elle :) ,

There is no problem, Ray unfortunatly asked to leave the CoverDoll team, so I changed him to subscriber preffered. His reasons for leaving are his own and I respect them and will not talk about them in public.

Unfortunatly comunities are like real life and people move on in real life for many reason, job, family illness etc.

Ray is most likely having problem learning how to post photos in his blog, like some members do when they first start a blog. As you know I'm always here for everyone and will help in anyway I can.

Your friend,


CoverDoll Publisher To err is human to forgive divine.

Hi Ray, :)

You should be able to access your album or any other album, so I don't know don't know what the problem is there. :? I have also moved your old staff folder to the blogger gallery, so you can use that as well.

If you have anymore problems, please PM or email me and I will sort them out. ;)

P.S. just tried it and the get url's from both your galleris and it works fine. Also remember you can now iframe your galleries at TDF with a one click button :) . Check it out and let me know ;)

Your friend,


CoverDoll Publisher To err is human to forgive divine.