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Buying clothes for your doll can be a lot of fun. Here are some tips:

1.Know your doll’s sizes. Abyss Creations will call you when your doll is ready to ship. They will give you her shoe, dress, bra and panty size. Keep in mind that these are recommendations. You will have to determine what size you want her to ware and what size looks good on her, but Abyss will give you a starting point.
2. Wait for your doll to arrive before buying a whole new wardrobe. There is nothing more frustrating for a woman than getting a gift and having to return it or exchange it because it didn’t fit. Only to find out that the return policy and conditions have expired and/or changed. This is a double- edged sword for men. Your doll won’t complain but, you might not like what you have purchased. Your tastes might change. Do you still have the receipt? What is the return policy of the store or web site? Shipping cost and open box fees can add up, be careful. I recommend waiting for your doll to arrive and then determine her sizes.
3. Know what you are looking for when you shop in a store. Knowing your dolls size and what you want to buy will keep the sales person from asking too many questions. I made this mistake when shopping for ballet slippers. I didn’t know that ballet slippers had a totally different way to measure size. This gave the sales person an open invitation to ask all kinds of questions. It was embarrassing. After that experience I searched the web and became an expert on how to measure the female form for different outfits.
4. Do your research and learn how to determine sizes. This is a good project for those who are still on the waiting list. Search the web sites for department stores, retail chains and name brands. They will teach you how to do the different measurements. You may even find something you would like to buy.
5. Remember that your doll cannot lift her arms above her head. Buy clothing that you can dress her in. T-shirts and tight clothing that needs to be put on over her head will not go on very well. It is best to get items that can button up or have a zipper. If this isn’t possible, get items that have open necklines that can fit over her hips. I dress Gemma from her feet up. Nothing goes over her head. It is easier that way. If you are in love with an outfit and you cannot put it on her, consider learning how to sew. You will have to cut the item from the back and install Velcro, zipper, buttons, or just use safety pins. My advise, shop around for items that can fit without any extra hassles
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Until next time,


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