Morning Embrace - and the Language Barrier.


Happily Language is no barrier to Love. It is the one Universal Language and generally well understood.

But in other things it can be quite hilarious in its interpretation. The following were all taken from Newspapers, mainly, but not exclusively, as a headline. (My comments follow and are in italics). 

Homeless man under House Arrest. So, anywhere in the world or at least in country, now that is a big 'house'.

Arson suspect is held in Fire. Well they used to burn people at the stake, so nothing new there.

Nude scene done tastefully in Radio Play. No doubt so the blind would not be offended.

Iraqi head seeks Arms. Torso and legs are probably optional extra's!

The hospital extension will enable patients to be prepared and served in a way that has not been possible in the past. Sounds tasty but not too much salt please.

Tuna biting off coast. So that's why the coastline is so wiggly.

Blind kids on brink of being shown the door. OK, hands up anyone who doesn't have a third eye?

Some pieces of Rock Hudson sold at Auction. Gee, I hope they were well preserved in a jar of formaldehyde.

Fashion designers clash in suit. I wonder if any escaped unharmed through the trouser legs.

Police quiz victim in fatal shooting. I must see if I can get the name and address of their clairvoyant, she must be really good.

Brief cooking at a low heat recommended for diabetics. Yeah well, high heat tends to turn them red like lobsters.

Chef throws his heart into helping feed the needy. What and not his liver and kidneys too - the meanie.

Illegal aliens cut in half by new law. Typical bureaucracy, now they have twice the paperwork.

Prostitutes brace for police charges. With their backs against the wall no doubt!

Happy New Year.



Another outstanding picture 8)  and a good laugh :D Thanks!


A great new blog to start the New Year 8) :) And a fantastic pic :)

May I wish you a Happy New Year and I hope it bring all you wished for ;) :)


CoverDoll Publisher To err is human to forgive divine.

Outstanding Photo!!!!

beautiful photo :)

Happy new year :)

Jihan & Elle

G'day everyone,...

Oh dear that is an inspireing picture!

Make 2 dolls go together,.. Not war!


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