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Realdolls in Hollywood
As reported by Mike Kelly.

It would seem that in today’s world, you would use computer graphics for every special effect in a current Hollywood movie. After all - the recent Hollywood movie: “Sky Captain and the World’s of Tomorrow” was done using computer graphics for everything except the main actors.

The reality of the situation is far different. Doing movies the old fashion way with silicone and latex props done in special effects labs that focus on doing that kind of work will be the way of Hollywood for many years to come. Why? Realism. Computer graphics my look cool in a cartoon like “Toy Story” but won’t replace props anytime soon. That being true, it’s not a surprise that Realdolls would be used in Hollywood productions.

Says one special effects artist with over 30 major Hollywood movies to his credit:

“Realdolls are cost efficient and time efficient. We can get a doll from Abyss at the fraction of the cost and time of doing a life-cast.

A life-cast is created by pulling a mold from a model and then creating a full size silicone or latex doll from that mold. This is very expensive and time consuming.”

I can recall a thriller movie that had a Realdoll trapped inside a block of ice. It really did look like a woman trapped in ice. If you watch the horror flick “Urban Legends 2” you will see a Realdoll beheaded. Now Realdolls in horror flicks and porn movies seems a natural to me.

According to Abyss creations, their dolls are also being used for mainstream productions as well:

“In early June of this year we were commissioned by Warner Brothers Television Productions to create a one of a kind, custom face of actress Kelly Carlson to be be used in the FX hit series "Nip/Tuck". Abyss Creations supplied a RealDoll body, which closely matched Kelly’s, and along with her custom Face-X, a look-alike doll was created. Kelly Carlson plays Kimberly Henry on the "Nip/Tuck" series and together with our RealDoll look-alike were featured in the August 24 Episode entitled "Kimber Henry" that aired Tuesday night at 10PM PST.”

At this rate, we’ll be seeing Realdolls as TV stars regularly!

A good rent today is “Love Object” – a horror movie that features Realdolls. This movie got rave reviews when in the theatres and is now on DVD. This movie features the lovely Melissa Sagemiller (The Clearing, Get Over It) as the flesh and blood love interest.


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