Find Everything Easier using our new search function.

Blog Category: 

Navigating CoverDoll is now easier. The first thing you'll notice is that there are less Menu selections and they are more descriptive of what they are. The powerful search funch can find just about anything you may seek. The example below shows the results when searching the word 'GAME'  Also an advanced search function is also available which allows for content selection using drop down menus.

CoverDoll Search Screen

When you post you must select a blog category. They are self explanatory. Then you should select from the content list those items that describe your post. You can hold the CTRL key and select multiple content items. For example, you could select "Video Content" and "Maintenance" and "Major Repairs" Your Blog should have only ONE profile for each doll you present. The most recent Blog entries and Comments are listed on the left hand side and if you click the search button without entering a search string it will bring up the search screen. Selecting advanced will give you drop downs to select from. We hope you'll find this easier to use and welcome your comments on this new navigation. xxxooo, Bianca


Now that's what I'm talking about, a fresh clean and easy to get at nav system. All new comments and blog posts at hand.

Relly well done Midi, you have a big thanks from me :) ;)


CoverDoll Publisher

To eir is human to forgive is devine.