A Day in the Life of a Doll - 6.00 to 7.00am


Hi All,

Continuing on from my 'sneak peak'.

After a morning cuddle with tina (isn't she just a 'dreamy one', I mean, look at her, probably still dreaming about her trip with Bunny Wunny to Brisbane).

Anyway, muz comes back to join us in bed with a nice cuppa tea. And on goes the radio to listen to the news and current Affairs. My My isn't the world in a mess.

Actually, about the morning cuppa, muz says he can go without breakfast, and even lunch (sometimes does), but he says he cannot go without his morning tea in bed every day.

I guess that means he is addicted. Oh dear, it also means I'm living with an addict.

But I understand because I also love my morning cup of tea.

OMG  Surprised that means I becoming an addict too. Nevermind, one's got to be addicted to something else apart from sex I suppose.

Now you all take care, we got work to do as you will see next time.




Hey girls, any room for another ;) }:) :D


CoverDoll Publisher

To err is human to forgive divine.

I love your serene picture.  You all look so relaxed.  The Wizard likes to kick back in bed with a morning coffee, but he can only seem to manage it on Sundays when he isn't on the go.  Other days its off to the office or racing off to some other place.

Kisses, Zara

Hey guys, remember this old ad for tea :D


CoverDoll Publisher

To err is human to forgive divine.