Halloween 2

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" Halloween 2"

"As Reported by By Dollyforme"

Yea I really liked this twisted little movie. This movie is NOT a remake of the 1981 classic. With "Halloween II," instead of remaking the hospital-set 1981 first sequel, Rob Zombie has taken the story and characters in a radically different direction that bids adieu to everything the viewer has previously known and come to expect from the long-running franchise. With nothing to compare it to, the viewer is free to sit back and take it for what it is. What it is, by the way, is harsh and unrepentant, the equivalent of a dark and ominous tornado cloud moving ever closer toward disaster. A slasher picture, yes, but also a character drama and a sort of nightmare-laden supernatural fantasy, "Halloween II" is a shock of a downer that more mainstream audiences may not be ready for. It isn't mean-spirited like the previous film, but it is ever crueler, dragging Laurie Strode (Scout Taylor-Compton), psychopathic brother Michael Myers (Tyler Mane), best friend Annie (Danielle Harris), and Annie's father Sheriff Brackett (Brad Dourif) into a fatal abyss they are unable to escape. This isn't some fun-and-games horror movie with a body count; director Zombie proposes to treat it with an uncompromising actuality that doesn't just slice, but cuts right to the bone.

Now what is this movie all about? It has been one year since Laurie Strode is thought to have killed masked serial killer Michael Myers, shooting him squarely in the head during a fight to the death. His body was never recovered, however, and as the witching holiday once again approaches, Laurie is besieged with bad dreams and an overwhelming sense that danger could be eminent. Sheriff Brackett and a now-reclusive Annie try to provide comforting shoulders—they have taken her in since the murders of her parents—but they are ill-equipped to handle the bombshell that comes with the release of psychologist Dr. Samuel Loomis' (Malcolm McDowell) new book about the Haddonfield massacre. Laurie's shocked discovery that she is really Angel Myers, biological sister to Michael, coincides with her evil brother's return to his old stomping ground. After all that has happened and is now known, her latest reunion with Michael is about to become intensely personal.

"Halloween II" has plenty of graphic death scenes to please genre gorehounds, but these come as asides to writer-director Rob Zombie's main focus: to catch up with people twelve months after all their lives were irrevocably altered by what happened in the first movie.

Anyway – hey it’s Halloween time, so go out and have a great Halloween time! Booooo!


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