Personal News

The place to put personal news on members and their dolls

Tash is Indisposed.

Hi All,

Bit of bad news I'm afraid. Tash broke her leg.

While sunning herself in the garden.

On a pool lounge. - Clever - huh.

No seriously though she is in a bad way with complications. We just hope muz can sort it out and she will recover and be back soon.

Anyway I will be doing the blog for a while. Saw a pose in TDF of a new Yvette by LD and had a go.

A Life in the Day of a Doll - 7.00 to 8.00 am

Hi There,

Well, I told you we had work to do didn't I. So we put our skivvies on and "Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it's off to housework we go"

Tash Vacuums, Tina does the Linen and I Fluff around a bit. Don't be fooled, Tash does have panties on, though it's very small - wouldn't want dust to go where it shouldn't now would we. Smile

Muz likes to keep the place shipshape (wonder why, I don't think he has ever been a sailor) so he puts us all to work.
