Dolltime's blog

Anatani Aitakute (Missing You) - CoverDoll Cam's video slideshow.

Dear Readers,
As is our wont, after we have a large enough selection of photos to choose from we like to put together a little slideshow, set to music. It took us a while to find a suitable song to go with the photos of our coverdoll Cami but think we have found a nice combination and hope you like it.

We used some poetic licence with the lyrics, partly due to a chorus repeat. But if you enjoyed the song and would like to see a fuller lyric translation, there is a beautiful video slideshow set to Anime photos giving the lyrics in both english and the japanese pronunciation, which is most fascinating to hear and see & recommended.
Here is the link.
For those who are new and have not seen our other video slideshows or for those who would like to see them again we give you their links below so you can view and enjoy them at your leisure.

Out Takes and Trivia #1

As a general rule we have tried to make our commentary or blog bear some resemblance to the photo presented (or vice versa). But rules are there to be broken so we thought we might torment you with some trivia, of which you probably have no interest, and which have absolutely no bearing on our photos. And to add insult to injury some of the photos will be ones that never made it to the shoots previously shown here or at the forums with no photoshopping. But hey, have you seen the crap people share on Facebook - we'll say no more.



The Olympics seem to be topical at the moment so we will start with that ............. read on

August - and Ye Olde Internet #3

Dear Readers,

My how time flies these days, August already. With CoverDoll as our browser homepage we have enjoyed the last few weeks immensely. But time moves on and so to this months blog. This will be the last of our medievil tweets (as they do not seem of much interest).

Mary, Mary, quite contrary,

How does your garden grow?

With Silver Bells and Cockle shells

And pretty maids all in a row.

This little ye olde tweet has several 'historical' interpretations, probably all BS. One refers to Queen Mary I of England, otherwise known as 'Bloody Mary' for her vicious persecution of Protestants who broke away from the corruption of the Catholic Church during the 'Reformation' in the 16th Century............ Click 'read more' for explanation, about guillotines and some wierd sex. 
