Dolltime's blog

December - Fashion and Sex #3

Clothes make the Man. Naked people have little or no influence on Society ...... Mark Twain.

With very few exceptions people look better, sexier and healthier clothed rather than naked. Clothes (and makeup) hide our many imperfections and unsightly bits (cellulite & varicose veins to name but two) while enhancing shape, curves and tone. Clothes, and thus Fashion, therefore play a prominent role in 'mate' chasing and consequent copulation ........ Sex.

Recent research shows .........

October - Fashion and Sex Pt 1.

Dear Readers,

The 'dolltime girls' only have two major complaints in our house: Nothing to wear and Not Enough Closet Space Laughing .    Oscar Wilde once said "Fashion is merely a form of ugliness so intolerable we have to alter it every six months"  : - But what dear old Oscar didn't realise was that really,  it is all about getting a shag.



And a big con to get your money.  }:) ................. Read on
