Dolltime's blog

July - and Being Good.

Dear Readers,

Surveys indicate that over 80% of Men (average from several) think they are Good or Excellent in Bed. Most Women, however, said very few they have shared the sheets with are good. The flip side is not dissimilar though men are generally more generous in regard to womens' performance, perhaps because men are easily fooled - 70% of women admit to regularly faking orgasm - perhaps because their needs are so easily fulfilled or perhaps for them making love to a beautiful woman is good regardless. Either way the surveys probably give a generous account and the reality is actually much worse as macho, testosterone driven patriarchal cultures (which is most) where women are treated as subordinate, slaves even, would not participate in such feedback & debate.   So Being Good .................  What does it mean?

The fulfilment of regular ecstatic pleasure throughout life seems quite low as a priority and with so many thinking they are better than they are it is not surprising there is such a poor scorecard for our favourite activity. After all, it is not an inherent skill and has to be learned, Yet ....

June - and ... No More - It's the Law!

It seems the power of Sex over our lives and the gay abandon or expressive ways we have for engaging in it has led some to think that the only way to control our wanton lust is through Legislation. So before you plan on having a bit of fun, maybe you should check out the local laws, ordinances and statutes or you might find yourself in trouble with the Law.

Doll Power.

What IS Tash doing?


Thought we would do something a little different as you get plenty of dolly glamour photography from others. Read on if you want to know!

May - and Sex.

Dear readers,

Despite affecting our lives, mentally, emotionally and physically from before we are born until long after our reproductive functions have become redundant sex, has been, and still is, a relatively taboo subject for open discussion and education, especially with the nitty gritty details. Thus for the most part it is perceived, understood and practiced not well at all.

The omnipresent nature of sex, sometimes unwelcome, involuntarily pervades our very being ......
