Terrible Scammer Alert!




I'm sorry if this info is posted in the wrong place or inappropriate but I needed to get it out there to warn people. Feel free to move / remove it if this is the case.

What I want to draw your attention to is an eBay seller currently trying to scam unsuspecting customers looking to buy a high quality doll. Here is his current auction:


I checked his website link and he has pictures from legitimate companies there and also Stacy Leigh photographs and I suspect some from here also. I sent him a message that he actually replied to:


 Why are you posting pictures of other manufacturer's
dolls both here and on your website? I recognize instantly dolls from Realdoll,
4woods, Boy Toy and even the latest Wicked Realdoll! Are you really trying to
scam people so obviously?

Dear xxxxxxxxxx,

I have no intention to scam anyone, the pictures are provided by my supplier, and my customers are satisfy with what they received. Maybe they have the same supplier as well...


Like i said, feel free to do with this info what you see fit. If you need to see the actual emails I can forward them to anyone to show they are legitimate eBay emails. I just wanted an alert to get out there before someone gets stung. THANKS!


Thanks Minichamp's

We appreciate the heads up on anything like scams and such. I would advise that you also post this at TDF www.dollforum.com if you haven't already. Its our forum and is the worlds biggest life-size doll forum, so it get lots of traffic. ;)

Thanks again,


CoverDoll Publisher To err is human to forgive divine.