September - and Our Golden Girl


The theme for this months photo is loosely based on a pic form one of our calendars (which we have to take down from the wall when our young family visit). Not particularly liked at first but over the month we grew to love the gun holster toting cowgirl image of Kirralee, her fabulous body and her wry smile. (see photo at bottom of blog).

We do not have the availability of real gun toting stuff which is 'verboten' here and leather is expensive & tricky to make an outfit, so a trip to one of the Thrift shops was in order for other ideas. Eventually, for $7.00 (?4.50, €5.25. US$ 7.25) we found a straw hat, a hard leather gold belt, a soft leather gold belt and a length of gold cord. A girl friend gave us the arm tassels and we used a gold ringed panty outfit made previously. (see /drupal/node/823 ). And so ............ our September 'Golden Girl'.

We used the yellow/gold hair bands to get better control of our blonde wig which is quite long and full and would have covered just a bit too much.

Now, we realise there may be some who will dismally Moan saying Aaaagh, the lighting's not right, the background isn't properly set or cleared, the eyes are wrong, don't like not enough forehead exposed, the pose is not natural or real, the hair is not properly combed, there is talc residue showing, not enough photos taken (actually we took about 20 with various settings and positions), blah, blah and so on .......... read about that somewhere Frown. Well, we do the best we can (not easy when, even with spectacles, all the world including camera buttons and computer screen is a significant blur), we don't do this for a living, it does not pay our wages, it is just a bit of fun and at least, of the thousands of dollies out & about, we are happy to share reasonably regularly the good (occasionally), the bad (guilty as charged), the indifferent (just joining the queue) and the ugly.

Speaking of which and while on the subject of Moaning - but the highly pleasurable kind this time - it has come to our attention that researchers have proved and shown that men copulating with partners they find very attractive or they are very attracted to (PC for drop dead gorgeous & beautiful) have harder erections, bigger orgasms and release more sperm with the encounter. Duh.

What is interesting about this research, apart from the fact that some academic moron had the idea to do research on the f@#^*ng obvious - we mean ..... hands up anyone who jerks off to an unattractive (PC for ugly) woman in preference to a Playboy Playmate, Penthouse Pet, Calendar Pin Up Girl, etc huh?

No, what is interesting are the thoughts: how was the research conducted, how was the data 'measured' and 'collected', what control methods were put in place and how actual comparisons were physically made? No need for details, we will let you think about that and leave to your imagination. }:)

There is little doubt that dolls are highly attractive to their owners - after all they are custom made to their hearts desires. The pleasure or 'Moan' factor for coupling is thus, according to research :O , ....  shall we say 'enhanced'. With Nony, our September Golden Girl, in our arms we say - or should that be 'we delightfully gasp & Moan' - "Amen to that. Wink

Hugs and kisses



don't worry Muzza ;) all the parameters you think as not good are great :) The background is fine, Nony's eyes are one of a kind and the light is my taste (intimacy). That's a great photo i would like to be able to take, every time !

Nony is definitively worth her weight in gold :)

Nony looks fantasitc in that picture! As for your moaning research, I wonder how they got that through the Govt grants process? And where do I apply?

Mechwizard Consort to the Queen of Curves

Really great article my friend and a stunning pic of Nony to go with it :)

I can see that you've put allot of work into this photo and it really shows.

A five star blog my friend 8) :)


CoverDoll Publisher To err is human to forgive divine.

The image is ace. I sincerely hope no-one has been knocking your pictures. If they have, have a word with Mech and get Zara to sort them out!:D I would never let anyone influence you on your images Muzza. You can't please all of the people all of the time, so within reason, you may as well please yourself. (my very bad motto in life) Stonking good pic and Nony looks stunning. :)

We all love to see images of dolls. People put a lot of time and trouble into their pics, yours are especially good, this particular image is a belter. I too can appreciate the time and effort you went into to make this a particularly astounding image. Nony is beautiful and I look forward to your blog and more of your images.:) 


Encore Encore! 8)

Elle, Thank you. And for noticing the attempt at intimate lighting with a day shoot.

MW, Thanks, but be careful if you apply. You might find you are one of the control subjects with one of the ugly ones!

Kharn, Thanks, Your kind words as always make CD blogging worthwhile.

jayjay, Thanks. Although a little upset I have taken on board  the criticism (as some of it was perfectly true) and will try to consider them in future. Give Misty a long loving kiss from us.

Incred. Thanks. Well, next month, but beware, it may be the good, the bad or the ugly.

hugs and kisses


Wow, Muzza! She is a solid gold beauty! She looks amazing, maybe even better than the girl in the picture that inspired her. ;)

No need to be so insecure about your photo, Muzza, it turned out wonderfullyl! The background, lighting, etc. and so on works togetether to balance it out and make Nony really pop. It turned out very nicely! Thumbs up!

About the article, that's interesting stuff and something I haven't really considered. But it makes sense that being with a more attractive girl would be more pleasurable. No wonder I have such a great time with my dollies. :D

Excellent photo and blog, Muzza! I can't wait to see what's next. :)