Ring in the New Year with January's V-Babe!


Party Girl - January's V-Babe

On a  night of a thousand parties, you're invited to the hottest one in town. The who's who of the city is there, dressed in all their glitz and glamor--and sometimes not dressed at all. When you arrive, the party is going full bore, with drinks flowing and music pumping as the party-goers silently count the hours to 2012. It's nine PM, three hours to go. You mingle hesitantly, feeling so out of your element, so you try to blend in, stay unnoticed. But someone catches your eye--and it seems you've caught hers.

She moves through the crowded ballroom, beckoning you with her eyes and a subtle jerk of her head. She's a bodacious brunette with the perkiest breasts and a legs a kilometer long; and for some reason, she's focused on you. Her brown eyes glisten in the flashing lights of the dance floor as she seems to float from the room, her tight fitting little black dress rippling with the movement of every curve. You follow.

The back room; one of many but the best of the best. Celebrities make out in darkened corners and on pool tables and beneath the bar. You see your lady pass through a door, tossing a flirty smile in her wake. Shaky now, you open the door and find her alone, standing before the window, her silhouette framed by the lights of the city, completely naked but for her high-heels.

She picks a wine bottle and glass from a table and half-turns to face you. "I'm a real party girl," she says with a smile. "but tonight I want to party with you; just you, and me, alone."

Check out this sexy Party Girl HERE, and make sure to see her in her larger than life full sized glory (*Select 'Full Size' below the picture and enjoy. :))

Party Girl and all V-Babes are made by CoverDoll's wicked talented Editor-in-Chief, Kharn! Make sure you visit Kharn's V-Babe gallery to see all of his wonderful women in the flesh (well, pixels) HERE.


Terrific story Megami.  :) At the moment you#re missing your vocation in life,as a writer.:)


A great way to indtroduce a very stunning V-Babe.;) Now if ony that could have happened to me!l:D


And a big thanks to Khrn for the wonderful party girl babe, some great work there, very jawdoppingly  impressive.:jawdrop:



It is great that V Babes have their own blog and being brought to life with 'their' story.

Way to go Kharn and TG. Big thumbs up.

hugs and kisses


Thanks guys for the complements and great work TG on the write-up :) 8)


CoverDoll Publisher To err is human to forgive divine.

I would ringin teh new year with this babe in a second ;)  Very nice. My kind of girl ;)