Varkeo Chronicles - Episode 2


Varkeo Chronicles - Episode 2

- Varkeo Narrating - (Bold)

Interpretations (Italic)

She was a He...

Varkeo: .......

Violet: I know your spying on me Vark, come on in.

Varkeo: How the hell did she know????

She stood before me nude. I can see in her eyes that she was quite shy and embarassed about it.

Violet: I am not a shemale, I was born this way...Inbetween. I personally didn't want to be labed as another one of those Transexuals who were in transition. So I tried to hide it, but I guess THAT didn't work out. Please don't be mad at me.

Varkeo: I am speechless really. I mean who am I to judge? I shoot ALL sorts of models and inbetween. It's perfectly normal to me Violet. Your secret is safe with me ;)

Violet: Thanks... =)

Varkeo: Your Welcome. Hell, we can even shoot ya whenever you feel the need to come out.

Violet:  No, I only want YOU to see "The Real Me" no one else.

Varkeo: That's Fine. So I seem to noticed that you were looking at Kinella there.

Violet:  Yep! Check um out! *tosses Vark the phone*

While she was was putting on a jammy shirt and a thong, I took a good look at them photo's she captured in the previous episode.

Varkeo: Oh damn not bad at all...

Violet: Ya? I waited for her to go sleep and then I snuck in and shot her ass when she was vulnerable.^^

Varkeo: Haha. I didn't realize such a nice ass my girls got's.

Violet:  I'd hit it =)

Varkeo: I am sure ya would, but anyways I am gonna crash. 

Violet: Nite Nite.

Varkeo: Nite.

The next day had finally come and I can smell the coffee from bed with some nice pancakes, eggs, and bacon to go with it too.

*Knock Knock*

Varkeo Yawns...

Varkeo: It's open.

It was Kinella, she had walked in to bring me break fast in bed turning on the big screen and the home theater.

Kinella: Morning Daddy I made breakfast for you.

Varkeo: Why thank you. =)

As she bended over to place my tray on my lap as I sat up, I took a good look at her specs hanging from her chest when she was leaning over staring at the food.  She smelled good and her hair was wet, it was obvious she recently showered.

Kinella: Your welcome. 

Kinella Departs

Varkeo: Wait, where's Vi.

Kinella: Sleeping Still, I already made her a plate too. Shall I go and wake her up?

Varkeo: No..No. 

Kinella: Was there anything else you wish from me?

Varkeo Pauses

Varkeo: As a matter of fact, there is. 

I got up out of my bed; got my camera, and shot her. She was clueless to what I was doing but need I say more.

Kinella Stares at Varkeo.

Varkeo: For Cover Doll ;)

Kinella: Um, Okay.

Varkeo: It seems your contact in the real world has approved very much Kinella. Just tell me, how much have you learned from hanging out with the other models while you were out?

Kinella: I was told to be more attractive and feminine, and respectful. They also told me to be very cautious of strangers. But I'd already knew that but something happened when I was with them back at the studio.

Varkeo: What happened?

Kinella: I kissed a girl.

Varkeo: Oh really???

Now she really had got my attention. I craved for her to tell me more.

 Kinella: That's right. It happened for sometime and we started practicing with our tongues as we slowly undressed ourselfs. She told me to relax and enjoy. 

Varkeo: Well, sounds like you had a good time. 

Kinella: It was intriguing, but not of my interest.

Varkeo: Should have known her dispassionate module would activate. It was a defense mechnism I instored in her for protection; to stop her from going out of control.

Varkeo: You know, come to to think of it, I never actually asked you what exactly it is you are interested in.

Kinella Smiles Warmly

Kinella grabbed my fork and eggs and ate it seductively while looking at me and flicking her tongue all over the fork.

Varkeo: ????

 She crawled onto the bed seductively  towards me and fed me my food by hand. She kept her golden yellow eyes locked onto me as if I was the one eating her out. 

Varkeo: ooo damn, what did you learn from that studio?

Kinella: *Shhhh* Eat up daddy. 

Her Voice became more disturbing and mysterious as I swallowed my food. She was in heat alright. But I was more curious to why this side of her was happening. And then that's when she walked in.

Violet @ Varkeo: I see your taking a liking to my adjustments. =)

Varkeo @ Violet: Adjustment's? 

Violet @ Varkeo: While you were sleeping I changed her to be more "erotic".

Varkeo @ Violet: Noooooooo!

I had turned back to look back at Kinella but it was too late, her eyes had changed from yellow to red and she was coming straight at me with the Knife. 


- To Be Continued -


Great story :) I attached the photos and resized them to 600 wide. That's the best size for display and it loads fast ;)


CoverDoll Publisher To err is human to forgive divine.

Right on! Thanks bro! 

The Next time I attach um, it will be around 600 tall or wide.

Sizzling stuff.  ;) I love the pics, the first is so well captured, the innocence and naievty, yet so raunchy and erotic in the second.Kiss