Reboot Episode 18 - 22 Posted! (Last of Season 1)


Artists Comments

The Last Episodes of Reboot Season 1 has now been officially posted! I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I have. I put a lot of power into writing all of these stories. Kinda of crazy I randomly up just up and did this. It was fun. I am in the working process of writing the 2nd Season as we speak but it won't be posted here. I will have them over at my blogspot instead when the time comes. The story will pick off with Vark once again on his quest to meeting all of his dolls and his arch nemises Lucifer gathering power for his Devilock Company. 

And just so you guys know, I do plan on shooting the reboots and bringing them to life in a comic ;) Maybe when we get up to around Season 3 or 4 I will start shooting the actual frist Season. Just like in the actual Japanese anime you would read the manga and then the actual anime will come later is how I plan on doing my reboot stories except with actual shooting. We even thought about having a publisher publish my stories. Who knows how far I will go with this. It's a good that I have kept in the back of my head for quite some time now. 


Additional News

I'll keep Kinella on the doll forum longer with her Chronicles still an episode behind. That way you guys still have something new here from me.- Catch Ya Later!



Great work as always my friend but so sad that you won't be showing future episodes here.

I wish you the best of luck in your future ventures. Your a talented guy :)


CoverDoll Publisher To err is human to forgive divine.