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" Savages "

"As Reported by Dollyforme"

Blake Lively is very hot. A good example of what a California blonde should look like. She is the perfect actress to be the female lead in the movie Savages.

Savages is a drug-fueled crime delirium that doesn't break much new ground in the genre but offers a volatile concoction of violence, heroism, and amorality that is compulsively watch able. The director is Oliver Stone, a filmmaker often associated with controversial material, but Savages represents a straightforward, non-political film. There's no ulterior motive here; the director's goal is to bring Don Winslow's novel to life on the screen and he does so effectively. The screenplay has its share of twists and turns, but none are of the sort that stretch credulity, and there are individual scenes in which the degree of suspense and tension escalates to edge-of-seat levels.

OK, enough of that. The movie’s story is Chon (Taylor Kitsch) and Ben (Aaron Johnson) are mismatched drug dealers. Chon, a veteran of several tours in Afghanistan, is a cold killer who thinks nothing of putting a bullet into the head of someone who double-crosses him. Ben, on the other hand, is a pacifist who follows Buddhist teachings and uses his share of the profits to fund overseas philanthropic enterprises. Both men are in love with Ophelia (Blake Lively), and she is in love with them. The trio cohabits in a state of unconventional domestic bliss, where threesomes are regular occurrences and everything occurs through a haze of marijuana smoke.

Ben and Chon's pot brand is in great demand due to its high percentage of THC. A Mexican cartel, led by crime lord Elena (Salma Hayek), wants to "partner" with Ben and Chon. She sends her lawyer, Alex (Demian Bichir), to secure the deal. Ben and Chon are split over whether the "partnership" is a good idea. After consulting with a corrupt DEA agent (John Travolta), they decide to spurn the offer. Unwilling to let go of the opportunity, Elena unleashes the dogs. She sends in psychopath Lado (Benicio Del Toro) to kidnap Ophelia.

Thematically, Savages illustrates how even the most laid-back and cultured men can be ruled by their base, primal instincts when circumstances warrant it. But this isn't intended to be a deeply philosophical motion picture. It appeals on a visceral level, offering bad guys with black hearts, gruesome violence, and the thrill of being unsure how things are going to resolve.

John Travolta is Savages' highest profile actor, but his role is secondary and his performance is unremarkable. The scene-stealer is Benicio Del Toro who is frighteningly good as the sociopath Lado; this guy who belongs in a James Bond movie.

Stone avoids the stylistic excesses that have damaged some of his previous efforts. The film begins in black-and-white with shaky cam action but the director quickly reverts to a more traditional approach. He finds a tripod and the action switches to color. With the exception of some filters to add tint to certain scenes, Stone's approach is refreshingly unadorned. There are few instances in which filmmaking technique interferes with an appreciation of the story or the suspense it begets.

Overall, Savages delivers a more satisfying motion picture experience than nearly all of the higher profile, bigger budgeted summer blockbusters. It's nice to have something adult out there to counterbalance all the teen-friendly crap. If you want a great summer movie for adults – this is your ride this summer. Reminds me of “The American” released last summer in terms of quality.


This does sound like a must see film. With top actors and a really hot female star. :)


CoverDoll Publisher To err is human to forgive divine.

A must see just for the beautiful blond...but nice to know the movie is good as well ;) Thanks.

This does sound like our kind of 'action' film. However, having seen a number of foreign movies and documentaries about the real impact of drugs and violence in society and the suffering of so many women at the hands of pimps (and even their families) to sexual slavery throughout the world I hope the topic has not been 'sanitised' too much by the movie maker, as so often happens.

Drugs play such a huge part of human misery. It is quite bewildering to us why so many young are persuaded to take drugs and fall prey the life of hell they lead to.
