Out Takes #2 (+ a Joke).


The photo shoot planned for our blog this month did not work out. And I never got around to drafting a commentary .... such is the life of a retiree - so busy doing nothing one has little time for anything else  :).     So here are a couple of pics of our two CoverDolls, Tash and Cami, which never made it to the galleries before.


And for a chuckle.

A pregnant woman is walking down a dark alley one night when a man shoots her three times in the stomach. She struggles to the hospital and after a night of anxious care and waiting the doctor gives her the good news that her soon-to-be-born triplets are going to be fine. But, he adds, at the age of sixteen each will pee the bullet out (one bullet went into each of the kids).

Time passes, and the day comes when the 2 girls and 1 boy she gave birth to turn 16.

Not knowing about the bullet, the first girl runs down stairs and says to her mother "Mum, Mum, I was peeing and a bullet came out!". The mother calmly tells her the story about the man in the alley, the shooting, the hospital, the doctor & the bullets.

Then her other daughter runs to her and says "Mum, Mum, I was peeing and a bullet came out!" The mother again calmly explains about what happened that night 16 years ago.

About five minutes later her son comes running to her and shouts "Mum, Mum .......... " The mother interupts and says "I know, I know, you peed out a bullet ..........."

Her son responds, "No Mum, No, ......... I was masturbating and I shot the dog!"


PS: And it is still bloody raining. Will this cyclone (also know as monsoon) season never end?


awful joke, but what a LOL ;)

Nice to see how Tash has good time :)

Thanks for bloging,

Jihan & Elle

Great bolg as always. :) great phtos and great content. :)

Keep up the good work.


CoverDoll Publisher To err is human to forgive divine.

I'm sorry for the dog, but LOL!! :)


That story reminds me of a TV show called Extreme Behavior (I'm not certain the title). This guy was a compusive glass eater who also swallowed bullets...at least a few every day. And on the same show they were calling us doll lovers crazy!!!!!!



Just testing in your blog :)

Playing with Dolls is a Joy!

WARNING: The Dolls are starting to play Back!