Fan(ny) Talk.


At a Spanish dinner party a young lady fanned between her thighs on a hot summer’s night and exclaimed “Aaah, such heat!”. :P

Was she signalling a message to one of the other guests? Or was she just hot and cooling her fanny with her fan?

During the old victorian days (and before) when women had to have Chaperones, were not permitted any privacy with men and society was oh so 'prim & proper' how did they attract the attention of men :? Apparently with their Fans.


There was, supposedly, a whole Fan Language and depending how a fan was held, used and positioned all meant different things. For example see or


It seems to me though that, if the ladies knew the language and the men knew the language (otherwise they would not have a clue what was being communicated to them) and the Chaperones knew the language (having themselves been young once upon a time) then everyone within eyeshot would be privy to the conversation.

Now I wonder what the dolltime girls are trying to say to me? }:)





Well can I join the fan club, as the girls sure look cool to me... :) I think communicating ones feelings as always been the fundamental bases of body language. And I'm sure the guys and girls knew just what they both wanted. }:)

I guess the book and later film "Fanny by Gas Light," also had a greater meaning in the name. Well when one considers that the family business was a brothel.

Great blog as usual my friend :)


CoverDoll Publisher To err is human to forgive divine.

interesting !
i wonder what the modern women use to replace the fans now :) ?