Another year at Hershey


Hi CoverDoll. Linda here. Foxy told
me to make a blog entry here, and to post a few pictures from this
years meet at the Berry Patch. Our stay at the meet this year was a
short one (we only stayed two nights). It is hard to get a breather
in that small window as there is so much to do. We didn't take many
pictures this year, and though there was a costume party on Saturday
night, we Den girls didn't get dressed up in other costumes. Foxy
just didn't have the energy. We did get to show everyone our 'Toy
Vixen' debut outfits. I am pleased to say that several people liked
my outfit best!


Anyway, here are a few pictures from
the meet. The first one is of one of Dscorpion's dolls.

teddy babe deluxe

I don't
recall the name. (I am terrible with names).


The second is of a few
of CharlieWone's girls. I think the one in yellow is supposed to be
Lucy Lui.

our shoot

The last shot is of me and Laura. During our one big
photo shoot of the meet, we got to sit inside a big Strawberry. It
was pretty dark inside the Strawberry, and there was lots of icky
spiders inside. Luckily, Foxy didn't make us sit inside for too


This year's meet was a lot of fun,
(like they are every year). Mrs_Foxy said we will stay an extra
night next year. Hope to see you all there.






It was great to meet you, Laura. Cherry,and Olivia for the first time! I have been a great fan for years just can't wait for next year.Smile