Reboot Episode 4 - Play Time is Over


The new Reboot Episode is out for this Thursday, check it out guys if your into to reading like me.

And as always Thanks!

Here is the link - Reboot Episode 4


P.S. I have been adding content all over the place again, from Harem, TDF, Album, and here.

Just trying to touch bases with everyone and everything here. I also been loving to the stuff you guys have been sharing here

too. - Good Stuff Boys, Good Stuff!


Thanks my friend. Its nice to see you posting your work again. The master of small dolls is back :)


CoverDoll Publisher To err is human to forgive divine.

I srocked up on beer and chips but it won't be enough to view all of your beauties!Smile


Your work is just so cool and imaginative.



Your art is a fantastic world :)


Agreed. How in hell you get such realistic detail into such a small doll (especially the face) is beyond me.

This is not much of a prison but it wasen't meant to be.Smile Can't keep a good man from his work and the enjoyment of others especially Me!