Upcoming Columns for 2013


Just a little update.  The August column will be centered around trying to help folks wrap their heads around the "holy trinity" of ISO, f-Stop (aka aperture), and shutter speed.  Even if you never plan on shooting in a manual or priority mode, knowing how those three work together to create an image is a good thing to know as it will help you understand factors that may be causing issues in your photos.

Li Mei is going to wear a nice red evening gown while sitting on a stool.  I will put a black backdrop behind her.  Lighting will be fixed with no flash.  She won't be changing poses, and the camera will be fixed.  I will then shoot a shot with standard automatic settings on the camera.  After that I will start adjusting ISO settings, aperture settings, and shutter speed settings around what the camera automatically selected, so you can see their effects on the photo and also see how sometimes you can pick better settings than the automatic settings on the camera.  I am debating whether to include white-balancing in this months's column as I think it may need to be a topic unto itself.  Therefore I will likely use the same white-balance setting in manual mode that the camera selected in automatic mode.  I will use the same shoot though to illustrate white-balance settings, so the pictures will blend into what we discussed the prior month.

As I have mentioned before, I am an amateur photographer.  I am still learning and likely always will be.  The point of my columns won't be to definitively show you how to take photos like a pro, but to give you an idea of how to achieve better results much as I am trying to learn to improve my shots.  I actually hope that the comments section of this blog will get input from better photographers than I on how to do something better than I do, or simply have people discuss with each other how to do a better job with a picture they took.  This will be a place for constructive criticism if you do post a picture, much as I expect to hear critiques about my column or my shots.  If you don't want to hear criticism or criticism discourages you, this won't be the place to post a photo.

I hope it will be an informative article.

This is my tentative plan for the months through the end of the year.

August - ISO, f-Stop, and Shutter Speed - What are they and how do they impact my pictures.

September - White Balance - How to get accurate colors in your photos, add warmth, or add coolness.

October - Basic Point and Shoot - How do I take good shots with my basic point and shoot camera or my phone.

November - Using a Hot Shoe Flash - How does one use a bounce flash, diffusers, color filters, and flash settings.

December - Imitating Art - I want to do an homage to a famous photo or some kind of artwork with my doll, but where do I start.


Hi my friend and thanks for doing this for the members. I'm really sure that they'll find it highly informative and helpful for their future photo shoots.

Since the introduction of these possible life-size dolls photography has been important, but now with the great advancements in digital photography it has really taken off and nearly all doll owners photograph them :)

The line up for the future months looks very interesting and I for one will be looking in to see what tips I can pick up ;)

Great work 8)


CoverDoll Publisher To err is human to forgive divine.

I'm curious about this :)

Being just an amateur myself, I know I can learn. I haven't been too much into theory of photography. I just keep ISO low, as long as shutter speed is acceptable, and try to keep the subject (the dolls eyes) in focus. For corrections, I use PhotoShop ;) So, sure I can learn 8)


Like yourself Nescio50 I consider myself an amateur, there again in the true definition, unless we are paid we all are ;).

Understanding ISO is one of the most important parts of photography, even with digital. The ISO is always best kept as low as possible to avoid grain in photos. In the days of film one would match the ISO on the camera to the speed of film (one can adjust this greatly now with digital). The digital version of film is the cameras CCD https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charge-coupled_device. Most digital cameras will go down to as low as 100 ISO, but some more expensive cameras will go even lower.

The amount of light determines the ISO to shutter speed. On a sunny day one can often set a 100 ISO to a shutter speed of 4000. A faster shutter speed helps reduce camera shake and produces well focused images. However using a fast shutter speed means lots of light and a wide aperture setting.

Photography is what I'd call a tecnical art, a match of tecnical skill and the art to capture and compose beauty :) .


CoverDoll Publisher To err is human to forgive divine.

G'day everyone,...

Looking forward to this as if there is anyone who needs HELP!, its ME!


Playing with Dolls is a Joy!
WARNING: The Dolls are starting to play Back!