The transformation

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In the last issue the girls were a little tipsy, dirty and grass stained knees. I told them if they got themselves together I would have some new dresses to try on and may be take them out.In a flash they headed to the bathroom shut and locked the door.SmileBut I have a spare key!I sliped in once they did notice notice me.They were in the buble bath relaxing.The next time I checked they were puting on makeup, they saw me and squalled in no uncertain terms for me  to get out!"Go to the family room and stay there you can't see us until we are ready" All I can say is what a pair of Doll Babes!! 


Do the girls need any help getting ready? I can help }:) }:) }:)

Great shoot my friend :)


CoverDoll Publisher To err is human to forgive divine.

:jawdrop:I wish I had that spare key )

I love this shoot. Terrific!


G'day everyone,...

Funny how they do that,... lock themselves away only to show themselfs off later,...
Good work with the pare key!


Playing with Dolls is a Joy!
WARNING: The Dolls are starting to play Back!

wow, the result deserves the waiting time in the bathroom ;)
