Tasha’s Lifestyle Talk October 2020


Haii Bbz! This month I picked up on a theme that seemed to bring togther some topics I have been discussing here and with my friends.  These being, sex workers gaining respect for what they do,  acceptance of the female form, feminine sexuality, and nudity is not the same as porn.

My friend who has a lingerie shop in Denver had an excellent idea. Why do we wear lingerie? Do we wear it to impress someone else?  Do we wear it to feel sexy? Do we wear because we like it?  To me it's all those and more. But the main thing is why do we limit how much or how often we wear it and why do we always cover it up for some big reveal or just to keep it a secret?  Why is a sports bra ok but not a very pretty and sophisticated bralette?. We can explore deeper issues with a patriarchal society that stifles the empowerment women but that’s an ongoing topic.  Just know that it isn’t a one sided political issue to blame on the left or right in any system. It's across the board and maintained in different ways.  So why can’t we show our lingerie by wearing it casually? My friend Angel suggests we just do just that.  I decided to feature that concept here, not just as fashion statement but as a way for us as women to assert our femininity and not be ashamed of our image or sexuality.  Guys can wear skimpy tank tops, sleeveless shirts and shorts so why can we assert ourselves without being judged or belittled?

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This was just a fun shoot. I am wearing a thong that my firends Polly, Betty and Katie have too. Betty gave me the scarf that I am wearing as a top here. 


I wanted to show off my new pink Pleasers, plus the painting Betty did of me. 


Here I am taking a much needed break from a pole dancing work out. 


This was a shoot we did for one of my brands.  It was fun. I love Tara's accessories and post them to my instagram all the time.  

These next pics are from the mini meet we had last month. I am  catching up on my Instagram feed, posting and helping Teej with the Cover Doll Instaram.  


Here is a link to the thread here on TDF. 


 Here I am chilling with Arabella.  She is uber sweet and nice, I am such a bitch.  That's the scarf from Betty that I wore as a top in the other pics above. I wanted my hair up so this was a kewl way  to do it. 


Some times our phtoshoots are very impromptu and random.  One of us thinks of something or gets and idea and we go for it.  This was too sweet, TJ saw me at a certain angle, came over, kissed me and said, I need to capture you like this....


I had been dressed this way, just for the day and it  happened to click in a number of ways.   


I had recently gotten the top on DePop so I was excited to wear it. It is very sheer, some ppl might think it looks slutty or cheap.   I feel very pretty and confident in it. 


I undid the button for a little more sensual look but again, sensual, sexy and even nude IS NOT porn.  Our bodies aren't inherently pornographic just becasue we show them.   The gaze of the viewer is sexual, not my nudity. It seems confidence in our selves and our bodies is something social and other media finds theatening, likely becasue we are taking control ofour own image, not them.  Shaming the female form is sexist, and it's gender discrimination.  It isnt "right" or "left" politically speaking; it's just wrong.     


That's pretty much it bbz. Hope you enjoyed this month's blog. Please remember WEAR YOUR LINGERIE casually!  



Love Tasha .


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Very beautiful pictures smiley
Pretty poses and beautiful outfitsyes