The CoverDoll Interview - August 2021


The Interview - Gaia

By Tasha Marie  

Gaia is an Elf who is new here and getting noticed. She's cute, curvy, perky and only looks shy. Maybe it's a spell she put on us? Maybe it's just her...Let'z find out...



I first met Gaia through my good friends Kalena, Izzy, Zoey, Iris, Zelda, Kandi, Zaia, Kite and Ash. She lives with them in a very happy home. I have not yet interviewed an elf; so I thought this is as good a time as any...

Tasha: HAIII Gaia! I am SOOOOO stoked you can talk for a bit. I HAVE to start with an obvious question. Since you are an elf, can you please tell us about what type of Elf you are?

Gaia: Hi Tasha! I'm just an elf. A little bit if this and that. Father was a proud warrior and Mother was so gentle. They loved the woods and the waters. They were fragile, yet strong.

Tasha: Are you different from other elves?

Gaia: We are all unique. All different. Not unlike that of humans. If I had to say how I am different from others. I'm not sure. I haven't met very many elves. We are pretty secluded. I know I love deeply and will fight for what I believe in, even if it destroys me. I'm a bit of a trickster with those I love.

Tasha: You have a very sexy -



Tasha Continued: feminine physique. Do elves have gender? If so, which are you?

Gaia: We absolutely do. I am a female elf. We may look soft but we can be feisty. Our physical strength is deceiving. We always get our way even if it's by force. Once i have someone in my grasp they cannot get free. *Smirks and whispers...* Most don't want to get away though. *wink* -

Tasha: What do you like to do for fun?

Gaia: I love to roam the forest. I feel at peace with a full moon lighting up the sky. Kite puts on rain storms for me. Reminds me of home. He has also showed me this magic called Netflix. I get to watch different forests and the creatures within them. I must admit the voice is soothing as well. It puts Kite to sleep. He says his name is David Attenborough. I can't get enough..

Tasha: I heard you might be coming to our Meetup in September- What are you looking forward to the most about it?

Gaia: I'm a bit nervous. I haven't been around people except for Kite and his family. He keeps telling me it will be ok. Zoey, Iris Rica and Izzy keep telling me I will be fine. Kalena is coming too. She's been a sweetheart.


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Gaia Continued: She speaks highly of you Tasha... Zoey seems to get flushed and sad though when you come up.

Tasha: Ohhh, She does..*smiles bashfully* Well...Zoey and I are special friends. I have kissed.. um... missed her a lot. *squirms in seat, adjusts her breasts...* It's getting a little warm in here. Back to you Gaia. Is there anything I haven’t asked about that you’d like to share with everyone? *Hums Katy Perry's "I kissed a girl"*

Gaia: I am not sure. Everything has a beauty. From the soil to the rose that grows in it. We should all take a moment and appreciate the beauty in all things. Mother has a way to make us all perfect. We should cherish her.

Tasha: OMG! That was so beautiful Gaia. I am sooooooo glad you shared all this with us. I think we need to get to know others that are different. Now, more than ever, we need to learn about our own different human races and cultures. Maybe if we are open to learn learn about other species,liek Elves; it wil help us undstand our own better.

(((HUGZ))) LOVES! Tasha!



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