February 2022 Featured Photographer

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Our Featured Photographer for February 2022 is Nescio50


Meet Michelle

Red and green, it’s Michelle

Michelle is 4Woods A.I.Doll Max having the Michelle head. She arrived at my place four years ago, so you probably saw her before in my monthly blog. Over the years she has had different hair styles, but she seems to be a natural redhead. It goes so well with her green eyes. If you have a close look her eyes have both blue and yellow tones. I also like to mention her make-up, it’s great, done by Siham of 4Woods Europe.

Let’s add a little more blue...

For this shoot Michelle is wearing a blue dress, and a blue nightie underneath. She was already wearing this for some days, maybe a week, and I liked to do a photo session with her. We started without a specific idea or theme. Just working in our sunroom, Michelle sitting on a table with a red cloth to contrast her blue dress, and the green from the garden in the background.

About the equipment:

For this session I used my Canon EOS 6D camera and a Tamron 24-70mm zoom lens. All photos were shot with f/2.8 and ISO 100. Okay, I was lazy, as I should have tried a 50mm prime lens at f/1.8, but I didn’t.

The main light is natural light coming through the windows and the ceiling –which are also windowpanes. I used a studio light on a stand to have some highlights on her face and reflections in the eyes. It’s always tricky to work with a studio light in the sunroom because of all the unwanted reflections in the windows. You’ll see it in some images, but to me it’s not disturbing.

All images were shot in RAW. Photoshop/Camera RAW was used to process the images, enhance them, and some spot healing.

Please enjoy!


Michelle & Nescio




Note from the Editor: Each month we will feature a different photographer's work. We invite doll owners and manufacturers alike to participate in this new monthly feature. Photo shoots must meet a minimum quality level. If you do not meet that level we are happy to work with you, critique your photos and help you to raise the bar on your photography. Good photo shoots can be had with low cost digital cameras. It is all in the technique.

Submit your inquiries and sample entry photos to featuredphotographer@coverdoll.com


Congratulations Michelle and Nescio for photographer of the month. Michelle looks stunning in this blue outfit, this color suits her well and brings out her stunning eyesheart


Great photo shoot.

Thank you Fred, sure her eyes are stunning!


Thank you midiman, yes this shoot worked out fine smiley