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As reported by Mike Kelly

In downtown LA, a major movie was produced featuring Realdolls.

“Love Object”, a black comedy was produced by La Pressman and John Schmidt in 2003 and is rated “R” for some erotic scenes. Because of Love Object’s erotic content. writer-director Robert Parigi decided against shooting the film with Digital Video. “I wanted the lusher look of film. You need that aesthetic distance or else sex captured on video feels too much like porn” he explained.

With an intense 18-day shooting schedule (including as many as 41 setups a day) in an old Employment Development Department building, the first-time filmmaker certainly had his work cut out for him. Parigi, who cites early Polanski and Child’s Play among his influences thanks his super-crack camera team for tackling production challenges. For example, the filmmakers had to buy two Realdolls to shoot the film in a record 18 days. Too bad I didn’t have two main actors also, then I could have shot the film in 14 days. “There is however, a huge market for used Realdolls” Robert Parigi explains, “We should be able to sell them for at least 80% of what we paid for them.”

Love Object is a fun little Black Comedy which stars an actual RealDoll in the film. In this movie a lonely guy finds a doll manufacturer while surfing the internet during working hours. He visits the site and there are talking animations of the dolls they sell, one of which he becomes fascinated with. So, anticipating a big bonus for Christmas, he decides to order the expensive doll.

Before he knows it, a coffin like crate arrives at his apartment and, under the gaze of snoopy neighbors, he drags it into his apartment. Inside is an exact replica of the animated girl he saw on the website.

So – he takes the doll out of the box and has sex with it. He found the sex to be not to his liking at all and called the company to return the doll. Needless to say, the doll company asked if he had used the doll for sex. He said yes and the company said due to HIV/AIDS and other STDs possibly sticking to the doll they could not take it back.

He was basically stuck with the doll now and learned how to have sex with it over time and how to enjoy being a doll owner (I one bought a love doll I didn't like at all - thought the doll didn't look like the pictures and worthless for sex and of poor quality. However, I did have sex with the doll - so I reviewed the doll for an internet site, cleaned up the doll and sold it on ebay. To my amazement I got more than my money back on ebay).

Well, they soon fall madly in love and he spends his nights banging the doll. He discovers that he like bondage and discipline during sex and the doll endures all that he can inflict on her.

Then, something weird happens to him. He begins to have imaginary conversations with the doll and "she" starts becoming more demanding in the relationship! He must account to her for his every move.

At work, a very sexy real girl starts to encourage him and he decides to ask her out to lunch. They start getting along great and he begins to date her. When he arrives back at his apartment, however, he must make up excuses to his doll about his suddenly working after hours so much.

Soon, he becomes a slave of the doll and she becomes his dominatrix. When the doll finds out about the real girlfriend he has on the side, the doll orders him to KILL her!

This is a great little movie with some genuinely creepy moments. I even found myself shocked at certain points because I couldn’t believe how far things were getting out of control. Very cool. The entire cast is great too, especially Rip Torn as Kenneth’s slave-driving boss and Udo Kier as the nosey, perverted apartment manager.

The DVD transfer is perfect and the extras alone are worth renting the DVD for. The extras include an interview with a Hollywood specials effects artist who talks about Realdolls in detail.


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G'day everyone,...

I have'nt seen this movie yet but I think I need to see this one,..

This sounds realy good.


Playing with Dolls is a Joy!

WARNING: The Dolls are starting to play Back!