Members Blog

A place for members to put info on them and their dolls


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For the month of August, Lilica & Yurica wanted to do a photo session outside to show their beautiful tanned skin. Unfortunately in the area where I live in France, the weather is rotten, an autumn time! So we decided to make a photo session on Catwoman!

Shiny things

A one third carat diamond is larger than you would probably think, and a real one like the one I'm wearing in the photo just can't be compared to a crystal or piece of glass.  They are just different and seem to burn with their own fire rather than just reflecting light.  Very nice. Although I'm told that they are just a lump of compressed carbon.  Pure carbon though, no impurities.

Oh and the Wizard has finally sorted out a photo shoot for the next issue.  Good times.

Kisses Zara
