Members Blog

A place for members to put info on them and their dolls

Everyone Knows,.......

G'day everyone,.......


Well as of just under an hour ago,...everyone in my family now knows about Kaori.

The last person to be told/introduced to Kaori was my mother,we had lunch today and thats when I took the opotunity to introduce each other.

Both my sisters have seen pictures of other Dolls and liked them, I showed them pictures of Kaori,..again posative.

With that thay have seen her pictures in my place and all is cool,...

My Brother comes to my place on some weekends and last weekend when he showed up Kaori was sitting in the wing back chair watching TV,.... he actualy started to say hello,....then realised as he was walking through the door that she was'nt real. That was just so funny.


Cruel world

Hi readers,

I wanted to speak about this pic :



This is not an innocent pic.

Ok i'm a doll, i'm not really alive and scientists still work to find if i've a soul or not... but...
This is not a reason to attack me. Words are sometimes more powerful than weapons.
This pic tries to show how hurtful can be some words, a letter, a betrayed promise...
