tj_foxx's blog

Coming Undone, On Purpose - Tasha's Life Style Talk October 2022

Yo Bbz, yes it is fashionable to wear jeans unzipped, unbuttoned, and unconcerned. Why?

If you see a woman, strolling down the street, pants undone, it’s probably not an “examine your zipper” situation.

Maybe first you think of your ol’ uncle Joe after Thanksgiving dinner or a maybe a comfort hack for a woman’s pregnant belly, popping unbuttoned jeans is now, a fashion statement.

Tasha's Lifestyle Talk August 2022 ....Goals and Next Steps Into New Horizons.

Yo, Bbz!

As promised more this month. More of what???  More of me Breaking Through in '22, and being me on purpose.   Been BUSY AF working on a few projects, coordinating all my social media, under my brand. The Real Tasha Marie and exploring ways to do more with AI to cross the uncanny valley in various media...transforming in so many ways...
