Monthly Featured Photographer - December 2015

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Our Monthly Featured Photographer for December is Swan:

Merry Christmas

My Girls:
Ryleigh... BoyToy by Phoenix Studios (Star - Configuration 2),
Sierra... Doll Sweet (DS) Kayla Head shared with 168cm Body

Equipment Used:
Hewlett-Packard 57-10a dual-column gas chromatography with flame analyzation detectors… Just Kidding Eye-wink

Nikon D5300 with the 18mm – 140mm Zoom Lens set in manual mode.
Approximate settings used: ISO – 200 F-stop – f/3.5 Exposure – 1/30 sec

CowboyStudio Complete Photography / Video Studio Triple Lighting Light Kit, 10' x 12'

Background Support System and Black, White and Green Muslin Backgrounds

AmazonBasics 70-Inch Pistol Grip Tripod

CowboyStudio 2275 Watt Digital Video Continuous Softbox Lighting Kit with Boom and Carrying Case

ADJ Products LTS-50T Portable Truss Stand System

Processing: Adobe Photoshop CC 2015
All images were taken in the NEF file format and processed in Camera Raw.

It was a thrilling feeling to be asked to contribute to December’s Coverdoll.
Just 9 months ago I posted my first image (It was terrible) in TDF’s February Photo Challenge.
It proves that when you love something, give it your best, good things can happen.

It has been an honor,


Note from the Editor: Each month we will feature a different

photographer's work. We invite doll owners and manufacturers
alike to participate in this new monthly feature. Photo shoots must meet
a minimum quality level. If you do not meet that level we are happy to
work with you, critique your photos and help you to raise the bar on
your photography. Good photo shoots can be had with low cost digital
cameras. It is all in the technique.

Submit your inquiries and sample entry photos to


Can I dive in?Wink

Thes pics make my eyes happy!! I love those candy-cane stockings!!

Hey swannie! Ya sure kept this under your hat during our discussions! A well deserved photo spread! I love your description. It shows how much you have grown as a photographer. That pillow shot is the money shot. Looks like the cover of Playboy! Really nice work! Keep it up.



That is a CoverDoll Pro.Smile

I agree with Alottahope. Super pillow shot. Tongue out

Wow -- talk about "visions of sugar-plums"!! Swan's dolls ('specially Ryleigh ;) ) are superb festive delights, like a Christmas-y dream made real... and some sweet eye candy of the finest kind.

I believe we fellow doll-photographers also enjoy seeing a "behind-the-scenes" photo or two, thanks for including those.

I so appreciate these wonderful comments... Thank you All!

Really cool and sexy set of pics Swan. Your girls all seem to enjoy the fun too. Bonus

Equipment addition... Can't believe I forgot the Dodgestance. Sorry Dodgeman Embarassed


Thank you Dee's!Smile
