Mishka's Blog For June 2024


As the weather heats up in may/june, I again start travelling and enjoying a lot of outdoor activities.

In this set, I filmed Mariko, an Angelkiss 162cm silicone doll with a custom face by me (LS45 modified), with whom I decided was an ideal travel partner.

She is very light and not too tall to be combersome on extended car trips, and in these pics, I am showing her posing in a set I filmed.

It was decided to do a larger photo set this time, and have the theme car based, and after calling around, we had all we needed to begin out photo set.

In these photos, I used a ND (Neutral Density) adjustable filter up to 9 stops, and a Godox portable light to even out the shadows. The ND filter was adjusted so I could photo at around f1.4, which otherwise is impossible in bright daylight. The shadows were illuminated by a godox strobe aimed at the set, and much of the photos were taken at ~1/200 sec f.14-f2.8 depending on the angle and number of dolls I needed in focus. In a few cases, I shot a few photos using bracketing, and that allows for a larger dynamic range in the photo, similar to what the eye can see. Anyway, anjoy these pics.


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