Santa's Wish List



Santa's Wish List

Lilica & Yurica make their list for Santa Claus. On the program, dresses; Waistcoats; Pumps; Boots ...!

The list will be long and Santa Claus will be well loaded. I do not know if the chimney will be big enough for it to pass. But by the way, we do not have a fireplace!

My bank account may not be at the party!



Fred1 smiley


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Lilica & Yurica stop by Swan's place for some Christmas Cheer devil

Gorgeous images!

How is it that Lilica & Yurica can look so sexy even when they are shopping? I hope they remembered something for you Fred. Well I suppose you get to benefit from seeing them in all those new clothes (and so do we) so that is your present from them.

Lovely photos as always.


Thank you Swan and DeesMan smiley

Hi fred, I´m sure your ladies didn´t shop too hard and ruined you financially. They are too sweet to do that. Just look at Lilica with her pen against her lips, she looks as if she´s calculating very hard. smiley Chris

Hi Fred,

Whatever your girls may have spend, i am sure that you have been well compensated for it during Christmas! laugh


