Tasha’s Lifestyle Talk July 2020


Haii Bbz It's me Tashie back with another edition of Lifestyle Talk!  We are heavy on fashion this month but hey - fashion is lifestyle!.  My best bish BettyBoo turned me on to a lingerie brand that I really love. Honey Birdette. It's very sexy, well made and comfortable.    Dollies, get this stuff on your wish lists and doll partners.get ready.   

This set is the Axl, BettyBoo and I got the same one so we could be #twinning!  

Click on image for full size & gallery


LOLZ- Here is Betty Boo texting me about us  #twinning!


Then I tried on the Blake set, another winner. I posted these pics on Instagram and got a bunch of guys wanting to video chat with me. One guy asked if I had a sex tape?? Wha.DA.FUK???!!!

You'll  see I got a few new tatoos well. 



I also got this really sexy accessory set from Tyes by Tara.  It's called "Flower Girl"


It has been really hot out but sometimes it cools down at night.  TJ and I sat out on the patio recently to enjoy the lovely evening air. 




Here are two of my new tatts up close. 



Recently another contact from Instagram made these killer outfits for me. Her brands are Never Idle and Infoxycated. Rosa and I hit it off right away, she loves that I am a doll.   I'll have more from her next month... 



Shopping with Polly


After the Live feed take over last month, I took  another trip to see Polly, Toxica Lush our BJD sweet mischief maker, and my cousin Sky.   Polly and I decided to go shopping at a local vintage shop. We had a blast. they loved us.









Jennie Mafune

Summer fun

Haiii BBz I want to introduce you all to my friend Jennie Mafune.  Jennie and I met through mutual friends on Twitter and Instagram.  She is a gorgeous, spunky, petite gal from New York. She lives with her guy, pineapple69.  She loves fashion and getting in front of the camera -which makes pineapple69 VERY happy!    This month Jennie is showing us 3 different looks of hers. that she totally rocks.  First Jennie shows us how just a cute floral sundress can make a very bold statement...

I think Jennie and I were texting or DM's on Instagram here ..LOL

Love her sneakers too... 


I think she made pineapple69 faint here..,  Isn't she just beautiful?  


 Jennie decided to let us see her at home having fun, rocking the sexy Gamer Girl look, during quarantine. 


Student or Teacher- you tell me? 


Yowza!!  Look forward to more from Jennie VERY soon!  



Social Media Ups and Downs with Tasha and Betty Boo

Tasha:  Social Media on Instagram Twitter and even Facebook has opened up my world. I have made so many friends with other dolls and more so, people. Yes! PEOPLE. Mostly women who are models, artists, influencers and business owners, They accept who I am and have become my friend, even those who hire me as an influencer and/or brand ambassador.   I am friends with a number of men as well, mostly photographers, artists and others who appreciate dolls. Some of these friendly followers are aquaintences from here on TDF or Club Real Doll; others I have met on Social Media.

Then there are these random guys who show up in my DM's (Direct Messages  or PM's)  who tell me how pretty I am and ask if I have a boyfriend/husband etc. But when I say YES, I do, they don't care...HUH?   They often ask if I will still be their friend and "talk" to them  So many start out like this, it really doesn't matter what I say in between... 


 "You are so beautiful"

"Can we chat?" 

"Would you be my Girlfriend?- I would make you my queen and worship you.."

"I fell in love with your pictures"

"Can I have a pic of you naked?" 

Then, some send a dick pic, some ask, some just send it. Some try to initate video chat without asking. I am not the only one this happens to, it happens to my friends, organic and synthetic.  I am not sure if this works for these guys in life or just online.  The other day this guy asked if I'd send him a pic of me in panty hose with no shoes.  I am like, "Sure, how much will you pay me?"   He said I'd send it to him if I was his friend.. LMAO!!  Dude we aren't friends, I am NOT getting naked for you and NO, I don't want to see your dick.  Really, I don't.  Pics take time and effort on my part and TJ's. Even just a phone pic.  If the guy wants a phone pic of me in panty hose and a bra to wank to, it's gonna cost him some $$.  It's not just me, my orgnanic friends who are women get this often. So do my synthetic friends. Don't get me wrong , I love when people complement my pics, my outfits, or tell I am beautiful, etc.  Just don't be gross. Just because I dress sexy/revealing or model implied nudity, doesn't mean I want to see your dick, talk about sitting on it or sucking it.  I like doing all those things but not with some random douche who DM's me out of the blue.   There are plenty of women out there who are happy to engage them,  but they likely have an Only Fans, or Many Vids etc page. More power to them!  Hell, I might do that if I get paid.  Otherwise, go google it and wank to what you find...srsly, bruh.  Hey, for free I might accept a video chat just so some douche can see I am a doll and we can laugh at him!   

Betty Boo:  Thanks Tashie.  After hearing about your latest expereinces, I got to thinking. The amount of male entitlement is ridiculous when it comes to womxn (I've started using the x now because it's more inclusive) and even womxn dolls!  I've always marveled at how men would often feel entitled, in real life, to just make comments on your looks or intrude on your space, such as catcalling or groping. And this happens online too. It happens to every womxn I know, yet no one seems to know a guy that does it? Who are these men that slide into the DMs and persist as if they will ever get anywhere? Where do they come from, who are they, why are they so persistent and entitled, and has this technique ever been successful?  I highly doubt it. 

It's interesting Tasha that you highlight this, because for me, as an organic woman, this is just a general part of my everyday life, another DM to ignore or block. A virtual catcall, online harassment. Before covid, when I used to actually leave the house - it would be how to navigate unwanted advances without hurting any male feelings. I've actually almost forgotten that it should be different or how incredibly outrageous it is as it happens so often. But you highlighting your frustration at it has reminded me this is not the way it should be. And please don't try any of that 'but your pictures are so sexy'. We all know women will be harassed regardless of how they present themselves. A short skirt does not cause rape or sexual harassment. Rapists and sexual harassers make the conscious choice to rape and harass. Please do not try and put any blame onto the woman when it's male behaviour that should be scrutinised.

So guys, if you're reading this, check yourself. How would you like it if strangers intruded on your space constantly, and felt entitled to your time and energy simply because of your gender or some other aspect of your physical existence which you did not choose and cannot help or change? How would you feel about unsolicited comments on your looks? Unsolicited pictures of genitalia, sent not because you asked but because the sender wanted to intimidate you? Can there be a bigger display of insecure masculinity than this bizarre need to show off one's own phallus to strangers on the internet?

Just take a moment and stop and think. Don't be so self-involved and entitled. Be kind and mind your own business. Boundaries exist. Both in real life AND online. You can respectfully appreciate without dehumanising / de-dollifying.

Tasha:  Thanks Boo! You know I never really had that here on TDF or CRD for that matter.   It was only once in a great while some guy would be a jerk.  However, after I got out there is social media and I got tons of followers did I get thes eguys asking me for naked pics of me or sending me dick pics.  This is a good time to mention that I talked about this and more with my good friend, and former Cover Doll from may 2019, the beautiful, smart and funny...KIANNA KAHN!


Kianna - Interview

    Click Image Above 


You all know I always try to stay positive even when I am sassing TJ, Jersey style. There is so much going on these days even dolls can't hide from it.  We are all here for each other, BBZ!  I am always willing to chat with you in PM/DM or in the Live chat on TDF.   Thanks for checking out the blog and don't forget to give Jennie Some love

Instagram & Twitter: @JennieMafune

Follow Kianna on Twitter @KahnKianna

BettyBoo: Instagram Visiual Art  @femme.castratrice. Stuido Art: @betty.inthestudio

See More of my adventures with Polly and Toxica Lush. Instagram: @pollys_dollies

And ofc me on Twitter and Instagram @Tashamariefoxx  




Love, Tashie






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