The Journey for Peace and the new White Elf Archer from Phicen


Is Peace Possible? New Elf Archer-White

This month I decided to take all my elves and try a bit of an experiement.I realized I had enough to actually make a small size Warhammer Fantasy Army. I played this game for years but played a human with first generation black powder weapons. But I did love the Elves and all females made it a pleasure to do. So combining both seemed a good thing to do!


Click on image for full size & gallery

The Journy for Peace

Based on logic when interacting with humans our Elves have discovered that wearing a uniform that was cute was in fact a tactic that works well to confuse and put hooman males into a trance. It is also a sign of respect so all Fern Valley Elves dressed in their finest uniforms. As the time came our Elf-queen Galadriel, Lady of Lothlórien has all of the VF Clan assemble before her. (Behind the scenes: That little fat one in the front row next to the standard bear, last figure done, fell, twice, and it was a mess. Problem is she needs the big feet but the sandals won't fit) assembled in front of the edge of our forest, beyond which is the wide world. (So I apologize but from this point on I used stands.) Having witnessed the excellent interactions amongst all the species at a place called 'Chandrelle's', being run by a Elf named Nynaeve, and after several interactions it was decided that the Fern valley clan would present themselves in their finest outfits. With all the ceremonial pomp required such an event they prepared for the journey. All they needed now was their scout, known as the White Archer. 


PL2021-175B Item Name:Elf Archer-White 1/6 Scale Action Figure":

I do love the figure and for what ever reason the Black version was delayed in production. As you expect she is a standard figure and mostly dressed. Doing the arms was not hard and even the shoulder plates snaped into place with little effort. But forget about the leg guards. They do not fit. No matter what I did I could not get them on. Why this set they don't have a split back makes no sense. Well they are split now. I didn't try to put that hood thing on. It also snaps into place. Trying to snap things on a soft figure is very hard. 


While the Clan waited penitently she appeared. Beckoning the Clan forward they started their magical journey to a new land for the sake of peace!


The Unbeliever's:

Although those who survived from the Brier Rose clan were not fully convinced. But their savior and now Lord, Prince Valiant of the Hobgoblin Empire, has convinced them to also dress and join their sisters. As they see them selves as blood soaked roses the dress in pink, their capes are red and the warriors wield two wicked curved knives. They call themselves the 'Bloody Thorns". Time will tell if this was a smart move..


Warhammer Basics: 

You needed a minimum of 8 figures to make a unit. Sixteen or more is standard and 8 is a half unit. Each Army needs to have a standard bearer, Musician, Officer and can add a hero, Named Characters can add themselves to a unit or stand alone as a character.

The follow up to this story will appear in TDF!!

Not the end but a beginning!!   



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nice peace envoy lone hope all goes well with the peace talks.
