Classic Animal Fight Scenes


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Masai's blog - October 2021 - Classic Animal Fight Scenes

I’m not really a huge movie buff but there are particular sections of the Film Industry that I like, certain genres. When I was in Grad School I took Avant Guard Film Classes and learned about many of the Surrealist and DaDa film makers such as Godard, Fellini, Bunuel, Fassbinder etc. This was enhancing for my overall education but I found myself really liking phony Westerns, Japanese Monster and Kung-fu flicks. (Bruce Lee is a big hero of mine though, nothing phony about him.) During this time in School I also loved going to the International Film Festivals because I am a huge claymation fan.

I figured out that the consistent element that keeps showing up when I’m watching early classic animal fight scenes is constant laughter. For me, watching the 1962 Japanese - Godzilla vs King Kong is so funny to see and so ridiculous I can’t believe they pulled it off as film instead of kitsch, I just love it. Now the 2nd funniest animal to animal fight scene that makes me laugh is the 1947 Western – Red Stallion. Though the scenes are funny, there is conflicting thoughts and feelings as I watch because of Animal Rights Abuse. During those times the laws weren’t strict and Hollywood pushed the envelope. That Horse & Bear fight scene wouldn’t fly today.

Nevertheless, while watching these classic movies I have to keep things in perspective and in the proper context. I love to laugh, it’s good for my soul so if I can watch Godzilla, Mothra, Kong, Bruce Lee, Tony Jah or any of these guys tossing around their enemies or destroying Metropolises and laugh my tail off, I’m all for it. It seems like the phonier it is the more I like it, especially when the sound doesn’t match the mouth movement. Lorrie can’t take it...she has her own shows that she wants to watch and hates my TV line up. I usually cut a deal with her where we have our nights that we trade off and luckily it’s worked out fine without a lot of lip or push back from her.

See you next time,

Masai & Lorrie


  1. Godzilla vs King Kong: 1962 


  1. Red Stallion, Horse vs Bear: 1947 


  1. Jurassic Park III, Spinosaurus vs T-Rex: 2001 


  1. Mothra vs Godzilla: 1964 


  1. Old Yeller, The Wolf vs Old Yeller: 1957 


Lorrie is still digging on Alisha Berry's style.

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