Mishkas Studio - December 2021


This month brings us colder weather and Xmas, so I decided to focus on the Xmas part, and show a few pictures of girls dressed in a Xmas theme.

In the studio, I used a white backdrop with a lot of lighting to create a high contrast scene so I could remove the background and replace with a custom backdrop in photoshop.

I don't use green sceen colors for stills because the color spill is horrible and pretty obvious unless you can afford a large distance between the subject and the backdrop and have very good lighting. What I have discovered is a single white vinyl backdrop works really well as there's no color spill and using a dodge tool in PS will create a perfect white and perfect boundary between the model and backdrop. For videos, I will use a green screen as that is required. Additionally, I use a high F-stop - perhaps ~ F11 to get a razor sharp line between the subject and the backdrop. In this way, I can isolate hair and clothing well. In each case one can be very creative and get a nice composition.

I also use real 3D objects that are rendered via my Nvidia RTX3090 in a 3D program and then linked to photoshop in real time. I can then position the 3D objects to suit the picture. In the last pic, the presents were created using 3DSMAX, textured and then brought into Daz Studio where they were rendered and brought into PS. This live link is fantastic as it allows you to see exactly the end result.

Anyway, merry Xmas and enjoy the pics!

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