Tasha's Life Style Talk, BTS -Through Technology. April 2023


Yo bbz - Over the last few months you may have have seen images featuring me that look very unique from fantasy to ultra human/organic.  That’s because we have taken the leap into Artificial Intelligence (AI) image creation and enhancement, using Dream Studio, a stable diffusion interface.   Yes we still have and use Photoshop and Lightroom to process the initial photographs but different software tools using AI have taken this to the next level.  Just like Photoshop did over the last two decades.

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Photoshop has been the go-to software for professional and amateur photographers and graphic designers for editing and enhancing photographs.  However, with the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology, there is a new player in town. AI-generated enhancements of photographs are the next step of earlier tools like Photoshop, and here's why.

With AI, these adjustments can be made efficiently and with greater accuracy, saving photographers and designers time and effort while helping boost creativity.  You can quickly experiment with different enhancements and adjustments, and explore different creative possibilities without being limited to a particular approach. This flexibility allows for more experimentation leading to more innovative and compelling visual content.AI-generated enhancements of photographs are the next step.   As AI technology continues to develop, expect to see more advancements in the field of image creation and photo editing.

It is important recognize and understand that this NOT a group of "one-click"  shortcuts. While AI , like Photoshop, can automate some aspects of photo editing, it still requires human touch to achieve the desired results. Photographers and designers still need to have a strong understanding of composition, color theory, and visual storytelling to create compelling images. Furthermore, AI-generated enhancements can often be a starting point, but they may still require additional manual adjustments to achieve the desired outcome often with post processing in other software like Photoshop, Canva, Corel After Shot or Capture One.  Therefore, AI-generated enhancements to photographs are a valuable tool for photographers and designers, they should not be dismissed a shortcut or replacement for the artistry and skill required to create quality visual content.

We hope you enjoy these images we have created by always challenging ourselves in taking me to the next level.   It is a joy to share how I manifest and develop to go where no doll has gone before, as a social media influencer, breaking thorugh stigma to be myself, on purpose. 





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