Creating a Scene with MULAN and friends.



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This month a very quick Blog. I wanted to create a scene and do it one figure at a time and share my feelings.

SUPER DUCK SET074 Kungfu Girl Custom Kit

What a fantastic set. A bit tricky getting the dress on but a plastic wrap of the body worked miricales. Fits that S22A like a glove. I strongly suggest if find this set you buy it! A+


Sadly, I can't find where I bought her. My daughter dressed her and said she was relatively easy to dress but lots of little pieces so a good solid B. 

Dunhuang Music Goddess-Red

And then we have this nightmare. I bought versions but just dealing with this one was tough. Oh so complicated with more jewelry than I put on her. Then she has soft feet and can't stand. The drum has a stand attachment. I tried it and she kept flipping over anyway. A set for those who like a real challange. Rate her set as a C-

PL2023-204A Item Name:MULAN-Black

After dealing with the Muscian, this set is a dream. Completely dressed but for the standard arm and leg armor. Out of the box and into the scene in less than 30 mins. Well worth the cost, she is lovely and easy to use. Yes, hard feet and stands just file. A good set for all. A (just a bit tough getting the helment even on the head do to the pony tail.)







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Happy to see you got all those wayward beauties together! You know, you're always welcome to send any soft-footed troublemakers my way... wink