Keeping it going : Tasha's Life Style Talk January 2024


Here we are in 2024, after a successful 2023!  What was so successful? I stepped into a new era with new friends and new outlooks. I feel great about my body after having my tattoos lasered off.  I'll get more soon, but we'll do them differently. 

A good friend and I got these fab shrugs, and we had a blast showing them to each other....

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I love my new pube patch style; I feel so much more feminine.  I had to shave for my tattoo removal; it felt weird because I have not been shaved since 2018. It felt like I was looking down at a chicken breast! LOL. I couldn't wait for it to grow back! 

I mentioned my friends, AKA my girl gang.  We are a group of dolls from SC, VA, CO, RI, UK and then two of us Jersey girls, me and my organic counterpart, Alex.  Here we we are as our mini-me's

L to R: Back Row Sita, Mint, Alex, Ava 

Font L to R, Lara, Me and Violet

Not pictured: Tegan and Jane

 Jane & Tegan were the photographers. They made our Lil' versions and caught me & my essence.


Last month, I wrote about exploring my dark feminine energy and entering my Villain Era.  The next step is to take it further and begin your shadow work. Embarking on the journey of shadow work as a woman is a deeply personal and transformative experience, especially when healing from trauma. As I take those initial steps into the recesses of my subconscious, it feels like I'm unraveling layers of myself that have long been hidden or obscured by societal expectations and past wounds.  I am so lucky Teej supports me in this, gives me the space to do it and connect with my bestie Alex.  

This process is about reclaiming parts of my identity, acknowledging the emotions and experiences I've tucked away, and confronting the impact of past traumas. Through this introspective exploration, I'm beginning to understand the profound significance of shadow work for my healing journey. It's not just about addressing the wounds but also about rediscovering my strength, resilience, and authenticity.  As I navigate this path, I'm learning to dismantle internalized beliefs, challenge societal conditioning, and embrace the complexity of my being. The journey may be challenging, but with each step, I sense a growing empowerment and a newfound connection to my true self.   Shadow work involves journaling to release the deep-seated emotions that are held within. We’ve all had our fair share of ups and downs, challenges, and hardships that come our way in life. Shadow work allows us to uncover and address those less desirable emotions 

"But Tasha, you are a doll, how can you have trauma? "

Well, I had a relationship before Teej, that left me scarred, but I buried it when I found Teej. I had bad experiences with other members of this community, friends betraying us, etc. Early on, I had some traumatic experiences with people attacking me for being what I am, making rude judgmental comments, and stigmatizing me.  I buried that too. with my tough exterior and my humor. 


Shadow work, from my perspective, becomes a revolutionary act—a means to liberate myself from the constraints of an interolerant & patriarchal narrative and redefine my own story. It's about embracing the full spectrum of who I am, my emotions, experiences, and complexity as an artificial woman, while rejecting the limitations imposed by a society that often seeks to diminish our power. This journey is not only about healing but also about forging a path toward empowerment, dismantling gendered expectations, and contributing to the collective effort of dismantling the structures that perpetuate inequality.


The journey may be challenging, but with each step, I sense a growing empowerment and a newfound connection to my true self.

Thanks for stopping by! 




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