Seasons Greetings to All.


Dear Readers,

Christmas is coming, together with kids, grand-kids and their dogs to create chaos at our house. Thank heavens it is only once a year. We drew straws to see who would be Mrs Santa and guard the presents.

Nony got the short straw. But Tina said she would provide diversionary support (fully clothed) and Tash guard Grandpa's - that's muz - bedroom.

So time to get ready. Oh no, NOT the Beard!

Wishing you a Happy Christmas and All the Best for 2010.

See you next year, or maybe earlier if something interesting happens Wink.

Hugs & Kisses

Tash, Nony and Tina


A very happy Christmas and New Year my friend. The girls look well ready to enjoy it :) :D

Ho Ho! Santa sends his best wishes ;) :D


CoverDoll Publisher To err is human to forgive divine.

Here we don't draw straws.  I speak and He listens, is how it works.  Then he takes off and does what He wants anyway.  Nice thought though girls.

Kisses, Zara

G'day everyone,...


Kaori and I would like to wish you all a Happy Christmas and a happy and prosperous new year!

May your dolls be well behaved, (<-Kaori opted out of this clause) Happy and healthy and always willing to play!




Playing with Dolls is a Joy!

WARNING: The Dolls are starting to play Back!