June 2010 Danielle



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June 2010

Name: Danielle


Nickname: Dani

Owner (Alias): dbdoll (aka DB)

Location: Pacific North West, USA

Short Bio: I'm half Irish and half Russian (yeah, this girl can hold her liquour!), but born in San Marcos, CA. When DB picked me up from So Cal and told me I would be living close to the border, I was anticipating warm days near the Mexican border, not the Canadian one...it's cold up here! Anyway, I'm a pretty lazy girl, and spend most of my time literally hanging around the house, doing nothing.

Vital Statistics

Bust: 30"

Waist: 22"

Hips: 30"

Height: 5' 3"

Weight: 65lbs

Bra Size: 32D

Shoe Size: 7 US

Dress Size: 2 US

Model Date: Summer 2009

Custom Features

Body Type: Body 2

Head Type: Head 4

Skin Tone: Cream

Eye Color: Brown...except when I'm blue

Eye Shadow: Downtown

Eye Liner: Featherweight night

Eye Liner Color: Black

Hair Color: Red

Hairstyle: Touseled...DB needs to learn to use a brush

Nail Color: French tip

Lip Color: Cotton candy (dry application)

Pubic Hair Color: N/A

Pubic Hairstyle: N/A



Previous Appearances: Doll Forum

Video: No videos, only photos

Doll girlfriends:
I don't really have any doll friends right now. DB says he used to live with another doll (he just calls her Beesix...not sure what he means by that), but she left him for another man. I'd like to talk to her about it sometime...not sure if I really want to be her "friend" though since that would be kind of awkward..

Ambition: Get married and have a lot of children. I think 4 would be good...no, maybe 5, no wait...yeah 5. But I'm not done having fun yet.

My Best Quality: My hair I guess, that's what most people say. Maybe my eyes. I don't know. DB says my butt...figures.

Words to Live by: "Revenge is a dish that is best served cold...so always serve it à la mode!"

I Love: Freedom!

I Hate: Storage.

Perfect Evening: Sitting on the couch with a glass of whatever, wrapped in my warm blankie, watching a movie, then cuddling up later. Either that or roller derby.

Untold Fantasy: To be on Survivor! I'll totally win :-)

I Feel Sexy When: When: Someone else is doing the dishes.

My Idea of Fun: ...Hmmm. Can't be boxed in here. I like to try new things.

Aphrodisiacs: Chocolate, strawberries, and wine.

You can never have enough: Coco Puffs :-)

My Lingerie Drawer: Is full of sweats and t-shirts. I'm not big on the frilly stuff...that's more DB's thing. :)

Favourite Sport: Channel surfing.

Favourite Position: Tight end.

Favourite Musical Groups, Songs: Whatever's on the radio that sounds good.

Favourite Artist: Anne Geddes (love those babies!)

Favourite Movies, Directors: Anything by M. Night Shyamalan or Quentin Tarantino.

Favourite TV Show: American Idol (DB hates it, but I love it!)

Favourite Author / Books: Stephen King, Deane Koontz, ... scary stories, but I can't read them when I am alone because then I can't sleep.

Favourite Quote: (The ultimate come back!) Lady Astor: "Sir, if you were my husband, I would give you poison."
Winston Churchill: "If I were your husband I would drink it."

Favourite Places: The mall of course!




Danielle Photo Shoots

© 1999-2010 CoverDoll digital publications


Danielle is one of the most beautiful redheads that I have ever seen. The pictures are just amazing with the strawberries and what I believe is chocolate syrup on her left nip. Nice original shoot DB. Danielle can light a fire. Delilah can't help but want to be friends.

The title says it all.

Great photos of a beautiful gal, quite sassy too.

The dolltime girls

Some really great photos there DB you did a great job :)

I Have added this to your blog my friend, so why not get blogging, I'm sure the gys would love to see more pics and here from you ;)


CoverDoll Publisher To err is human to forgive divine.

I don't think you can get enough of her. Danielle is full of life.

+1 Very nice & hot photoshoot. Danielle is a perfect CoverDoll. Congrats for the work.

Jihan & Elle

I had been holding onto these pictures and couldn't wait to put them up. Glad I could put them up now then later.

Got to love redheads ;)

Just Beautiful.

That cover shot is just perfect!




Thanks all for the wonderful comments! Been going through some personal issues lately, so have been out of touch, but glad to see everyone enjoyed the shoot in my absence!

Your welcome my friend, she is a great doll :)

Hey when are you going to do a blog? When you start a blog I'll move this into your blog ;)


CoverDoll Publisher To err is human to forgive divine.