Our Final blog about Hershey 2010


As many already know, Foxy took all the Den girls to the Hershey Doll Meet -n- Greet 2010.  I do hope this turns into an annual event (and the location is kept at the wonderful Berry Patch).  I know several others drove further than we did to attend, but it is hard to find a central location for a lot of attendees which offers the awesome privacy at affordeable prices like this B & B in rural Pennsylvania.

Here is our final posting of pictures for this meet:

Teacher Nikki with her class of schoolgirls.  (When I get a few dollars together, I'm going to expand on this theme).

All the Den girls got to finally meet a Teddy Babe doll!

Nikki meets some friends from the North.

And from the final shoot of the Den Boy Toy dolls.

For those interested, the hosts (owners) of the B & B were very friendly to all of our community, and looked and photographed the dolls who attended with mild bewilderment.  Let's face it-----dolls are mesmorizing!

Add to all that the good spirited people who attended.  There is no better recipe for Fun!

See you all next time!



Those are some of the best group shots I have ever seen 8) Really nice mate :)


CoverDoll Publisher To err is human to forgive divine.

My captain and I feel a little embarrassed that the Hershey meet was such a greater, overall, success than the Vegas meet.  But, we would like to think that we had a lot more fun with the 'public' situations and the poker game.

Most of the pictures taken at the Hershey meet are gorgeous.  Obviously, some very talented photographers were there... not to mention a lot of very pretty scenery and even prettier dolls.

We hope next year will exceed this year, regardless of where.



You guys nailed it about the folks at the Bed & Breakfast were very interested in what we were doing and that is great. They did make me feel at home too. I will be there next year without a doubt.

Nice to see Ceilidh, Nikki, and Dottie together. Some how I missed that picture. Guess I was to busy talking :P It was great to get the Boy Toys together.

Its been so much fun reading about the meet.  And Foxy having to herd so many dolls.  I'm in awe.

Kisses, Zara